Pastor's Corner

2020 11-29   The Season of Advent and “Rejoice in the Lord” Parish Mission

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

The Season of Advent is upon us.  Advent is a special time in the Church year as we prepare for the coming of the Lord.  Advent holds out the hope and desire to see the light of Christ shine through the darkness of our world.  Our Holy Father Pope Francis focused on the importance of hope during Advent.  He stated, “The Lord comes.  Here is the root of our hope: the assurance that the consolation of God reaches among the tribulations of the world, a consolation that is not made of words, but of presence, of His presence that comes among us.”

During this special time, we will sponsor our Advent Parish Mission, presented by Fr. Paul Dressler, a Franciscan priest; preacher, teacher, retreat master and convert to the Catholic faith.  During the Mission, Fr. Paul will focus on the desire to find joy during Advent in the midst of these difficult and uncertain times as we strive to deal primarily with the impact of the COVID-19 virus.

A Parish Mission provides us with an important and timely opportunity for spiritual healing and renewal.  With an emphasis on love and mercy, it also can provide an opportunity to change hearts and transform lives as we renew and strengthen our relationship with Our Lord.

The following “Parish Mission Prayer” provided by the media outlet “The Reason For Our Hope” asks God to bless us with a Mission that will bear much fruit.

Holy Father, great God of love and mercy, You have surrendered everything for love of us.
May we learn to surrender everything for love of You.
Fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we may do Your will and not our own.
Help us to love You above all things and to love Your people the way You have commanded us.
Quiet our minds and hearts that we may be open to the gift of Your truth, and grant our Parish Mission may be:
a time of Grace for all, a time of growth for the young,
a time of refreshment for the old, a time of renewal for families,
a time of healing for the broken, a time of joy for the sorrowing,
a time of challenge for the complacent, a time of forgiveness for the sinner,
a time of strength for the holy, a time of homecoming for all who have been away.
We beg You these things, Holy Father, in Jesus’ name.  Amen.

The Parish Mission will take place this Monday, November 30h to Wednesday, December 2nd.  Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions,    Fr. Paul will present the Mission virtually.  Plan to view his presentation on our parish website in video format. (or visit

I pray that you will participate in the Parish Mission and avail yourself of this special time of grace.  We invite you to attend to this Mission.  Please invite your loved ones and friends, especially those Catholics who may have been away from the Church for some time and some reason.  Through God’s grace, you may be instrumental in getting your loved ones and friends to return to the precious faith we love and cherish.




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