Sacraments for Adults

How Do I Become Catholic?

Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil,  thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States.  Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.

The OCIA process is for people who are interested in the Roman Catholic faith and who would like question and/or pursue learning about our religion and join our community of believers.

Maybe you are looking to be Baptized Catholic.  Perhaps you are married to a Catholic and wish to find out more about your spouse’s faith.  Perhaps you are already a Catholic and never received your First Eucharist and Confirmation.  Or perhaps you are baptized in another Christian faith but have thought about becoming a Catholic. The Order of Christian Initiation Journey in Faith is for all of you!

Catechumens (those who wish to be baptized in the Catholic faith and become full members) and Candidates (those wishing to complete their initiation in the Catholic Church by receiving the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation) are guided by catechists, sponsors, and parish staff who welcome them and accompany them on their faith journey.

Becoming a Catholic is not just a matter of learning and accepting several beliefs.  It is a process of growth and conversation, as well as growing into a particular Catholic community or parish.

You will need a sponsor who will pray for and support you on your journey.  The sponsor is meant to be a fellow pilgrim on the journey and must be a Catholic.  The sponsor may be a spouse or friend.   However, if the inquirer does know anyone suitable, the parish will be happy to suggest someone.

Ordinary parishioners can join this journey of faith, and many find the sessions helpful in developing their knowledge of their Catholic faith and their understanding of its traditions.  As you learn, you may even become a “parish sponsor” for those seeking to join the Church.

Who should participate in OCIA?

  • Those adults (18+) who want to become Catholic and have never been baptized, or
  • are baptized, but not in the Catholic Church
  • Those adults (18+) who were baptized in the Catholic Church and
  • never received First Communion and Confirmation, or
  • never received Confirmation

Contact Deacon Leo Gahafer with any questions.

Drawn by lives of believers, hundreds exploring the faith  

Rev. Mr. Leo Gahafer

678-393-0060 ext:104

Deacon - Pastoral Associate
& Order of Christian Initiation Adults
Confirmation Coordinator

Water Turned off at Main Church & Holy Redeemer Saturdays March 8th & 15th 6:00 am - 4:00 pmWater Announcement Details