Message of the Week

..And the Holy Spirit Descended Upon Him Like in Bodily Form like a Dove

The Baptism of the Lord

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord concludes the liturgical Christmas Season and transitions us into the beginning of Ordinary Time.  Jesus’ life is also a transitional moment from His hidden life in Nazareth to the beginning of His public ministry.  Why was Jesus baptized?   Jesus’ true identity was made manifest through His humble act of baptism. “You are my beloved Son; with you, I am well pleased,” spoke the voice of the Father in Heaven. The Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove, a public declaration of Who He is. He is the Son of God, a divine Person Who is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, a manifestation of His identity for all to see as He prepares to begin His public ministry.

Jesus’ incredible humility is made manifest. He is the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, but He allows Himself to become identified with sinners.  By sharing in an act that was focused upon repentance, Jesus speaks volumes through His action of baptism. From that moment onward, would be endowed with His divine presence and could be communicated to all who are baptized after Him. Therefore, sinful humanity is now able to meet divinity through baptism.

Through water that has now been sanctified by our divine Lord, we see in Jesus’ baptism a revelation of who we become in Him. Just as the Father spoke and declared Him as His Son, and just as the Holy Spirit descended upon Him, so also in our baptism we become the adopted children of the Father and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Thus, Jesus’ baptism gives clarity as to whom we become in Christian baptism.

The Baptism of the Lord | USCCB

Did You Not Know I Must Be in My Father’s House?

The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph

On the feast of the Holy Family, it is tempting to compare our own families to the family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.  Luke’s narrative of the twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple is not a warning for parents to watch their children closely while traveling.  The story looks forward to the time Jesus would be “lost” in the tomb after his crucifixion.  Just as his parents found him on the third day, so Jesus would rise from the dead on the third day.  And Jesus’ remark, “I must be in my Father’s house” (Lk 2:49) gives us a hint at who is Jesus’ family.

Luke was well aware that the Temple was considered God’s dwelling place.   To call it his Father’s house showed that Jesus was the Son of God.  Like Jesus, we call God our father, and like Jesus, we are part of a larger family than the one we live with.
But remember Jesus was 12 in this part of the gospel.  His duty to God included being obedient to his parents.  We, too, have a tension between obedience to our parents and following God’s call, a tension between taking care of our children and giving time to God’s children in the church and the community.  Let us ask God to help us appreciate what our family obligations really are.     Tom Schmidt, Diocesan Publications

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph | USCCB

Love is the Bond of the Family

The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph

We are brothers and sisters of Jesus because we are children of his mother, Mary and his Father.

God has adopted us as his very own children and has forgiven us.

As a family, God has chosen us to allow the peace of Christ to control our hearts and so we should forgive our family members when they wrong us.

We are called to love our family in imitation of the Holy Family by….

¨ Being compassionate when they suffer

¨ Being kind in all the circumstances of family life

¨ Being humble even when you know you are right

¨ Being gentle and patient with their faults and failings

Let us always thank God for the gift of the Holy Family and our own.


Readings:  Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph | USCCB


Mary, a young, innocent woman with an abundance of grace and faith, said yes to God’s messenger Gabriel.

She did not understand how God’s will was to come about, yet she accepted it and her role in it.

We look forward to Jesus’ coming. Are we ready to say yes to His plan for us, even though it’s a mystery for us too?


The Christ-child lay on Mary’s lap, His hair was like a light.

(O weary, weary were the world, But here is all aright.)

The Christ-child lay on Mary’s breast.

His hair was like a star.

(O stern and cunning are the kings, But here the true hearts are.)

The Christ-child lay on Mary’s Heart, His hair was like a fire.

(O weary, weary is the world, But here the world’s desire.)

The Christ-child stood on Mary’s knee, His hair was like a crown, And all the flowers looked up at Him, And all the stars looked down.

GK Chesterton


Readings :  Fourth Sunday of Advent | USCCB

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) | USCCB

You Are My Beloved Son,
With You I Am Well Pleased

The Baptism of the Lord

Jesus begins His public ministry with an affirmation given to Him for us.

Jesus is the one who will baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the one who will not only save but also ignite in the world a new commitment to God’s direction for us.

We also receive fire and the Holy Spirit in our baptism.  We receive the fire of faith and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Our commitment to our faith mission is worked out over time in the circumstances of our lives.

Do you ever think of the meaning of your personal baptism for your life?

Do you ever feel the fire or the spirit of Jesus in your life?



You Are My Beloved Son; With You I Am Well Please

The Baptism of the Lord

The favor of God rested upon Jesus.

His baptism was an example for all of us.

Make a tangible stand on what you are about to do.

The spirit will come and remain with you forever.

Are you prepared to begin anew?




This is My Beloved Son,
With Who I Am Well Pleased

The Baptism of the Lord

It is He who comes out of the waters of the Jordan to begin a new cycle of life for all of us.

He comes into your life out of your baptism.

It is the acceptance of Him and listening to Him that makes this new life a reality.

Have you thought about what this means to you?

Flight to Egypt

The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph

Mary and Joseph responded to the warning of the Angel of the Lord.

Their acceptance of the Infant Jesus immediately changed the circumstances of their lives.

They had to flee to Egypt to protect the King of the Universe.

Can we also flee from things that harm the Godliness within us?

Can we also listen to the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord in our lives?

The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph


– We are brothers and sisters of Jesus because we are children of his mother, Mary and his Father.

– God has adopted us as his very own children and has forgiven us.

– As a family, God has chosen us to allow the peace of Christ to control our hearts and so we should forgive our family members when they wrong us.

– We are called to love our family in imitation of the Holy Family by…..
Being compassionate when they suffer
Being kind in all the circumstances of family life,
Being humble even when you know you are right, and
Being gentle and patient with their faults and failings.

– Let us always thank God for the gift of the Holy Family and our own.