Message of the Week

The Son of Man Has Come
to Save What Was Lost

The Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus wishes for those lost to sin to be saved.

Turn to Him, accept His invitation.

He will grant the mercy needed to be healed.

O God, Be Merciful To Me A Sinner.

The Thirtiest Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus offers a path to God’s mercy…
  • … a humble heart.
  •  “… for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”        Luke 18:14  


Pray Always Without Becoming Weary

The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Persist in prayer.
  • Continuing to pray demonstrates faith and trust.
  • God will hear and answer.

Your Faith Has Saved You

The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Give glory to God.
  • He heals us and is present among us.
  • Be thankful for all we have been given.
  • Have faith in Jesus’ message.
  • Is our faith strong enough to recognize Jesus’ saving action in our lives?


Lord, Increase Our Faith

The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus tells us that even very tiny amounts of faith can be very powerful.
  • Faith is necessary to be a disciple of Christ.
  • Faith can enable us to do as God commands.
  • Faith can be its own reward.
  • Can we live the faithful life of stewardship Jesus asks of us?


Will We Listen To God’s Message?

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus tells us wealth and status can be impediments to reaching heaven.
  • We place too much importance on holding onto these temporal possessions.
  • We cannot serve both God and mammon, as noted in last Sunday’s Gospel.
  • All that we have is given by the grace of God.
  • All we have is to be used to honor and glorify God.
  • All we have is to be used, in part, to care for those who are in need.
  • Will we be like the rich man and “not listen” to God’s message?
  • Where do we recognize Lazarus in our lives?
  • What should we do about it?

No Servant Can Serve Two Masters

The Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Handle the affairs of temporal life with an eye toward eternal life.
  • Trustworthiness is an important virtue, in the handling of all things.
  • Those who can be trusted in small things can also be trusted in great things.
  • Jesus teaches that His laws must always come first.
  • His priorities must be our priorities.
  • Putting anything above Him, but especially wealth will put us in conflict with ourselves.
  • This, we cannot resolve.
  • Can we resist the temptation to try to “have it all”?

Rejoice, Because I Have Found My Lost Sheep

The Twenty-Fourth Sunday Ordinary Time
  • There is always an opportunity in life for forgiveness and redemption.
  • No matter what one has done, Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation is always available for forgiveness.
  • There is always hope.
  • When we turn to Jesus, He will run to greet us.
  • We are truly important to Him and He will not let us down.
  • Jesus is, indeed, out looking for us, calling to us.
  • Can you hear Him?


Whoever Does Not Carry His Own Cross
and Come After Me Cannot Be My Disciple

The Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus tells us that discipleship is not easy.
  • Sometimes we will experience rifts in relationships.
  • Frequently we must make sacrifices to live in accord with God’s will.
  • Jesus tells us to think carefully of how we are conducting ourselves, lest we neglect to prepare for potential pitfalls ahead of us.
  • We must not let anything get in the way of what Jesus wants us to do as His disciple.
  • Not relatives who object, nor possessions which give us comfort should hinder our forward progress in discipleship.
  • Are you looking forward?


Be Humble Before Your God

The Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Everything we are and have comes from God.
  • Let not social status or earthly possessions ever lead you to think otherwise.
  • Humility, not pride, is what God asks of us.
  • Be generous to others who cannot repay you.
  • Be generous to those in need and those who are less able.
  • You will be held in high esteem by your God and you will be rewarded mightily.
  • What position at the banquet table will you take?


Strive to Enter Through the Narrow Gate

The Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • The passion for mission Jesus noted in last week’s gospel is revisited today.
  • Jesus tells us that we must work hard to join Him in heaven.
  • We must be strong, persistent and dedicated to our mission.
  • It is not enough to passively seek proximity to Jesus.
  • Instead, he wants us to actively and passionately engage.
  • We must seek the Father’s will and then live it, as He did.
  • What is it that gets in your way of taking those daring steps?


I Have Come to Set the World On Fire

The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus speaks with passion and intensity about His mission.
  • His mission was not to smooth over or tolerate compromise between God’s will and the preference of individuals.
  • Nor was it to accept indifference or a lukewarm attitude in His followers.
  • His mission was to challenge complacency and creature comforts.
  • People must make a choice between what they want and what God wants.
  • Jesus offered his life for his mission in the baptism of fire that was His crucifixion.
  • Are you willing to make the sacrifices to ignite a passion for your mission?

For Where Your Treasure Is,
There Also Will Your Heart Be

The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus encourages us to follow Him in faith and our relationship with others.
  • It is so easy to get caught up in things that keep us from our obligations to our God and to each other.
  • His promises must always be kept before us, so as to never forget that our salvation is at hand.
  • We must live as if He is coming at any moment.
  • We prepare for His coming by always being good stewards of all He has given us, in wealth and talent.
  • What are we responsible for? Are we paying attention?


One’s Life Does Not Consist of Posessions

The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • God wants us to focus our lives on Him first.
  • We often focus on worldly wealth.
  • But in God’s eyes, wealth comes with grace, prayer and charity toward neighbor.
  • Focus on self distracts us from our mission to care for and bring Jesus to others.
  • This charity will store up heavenly treasure.
  • And what could possibly be more valuable for our immortal souls?

Ask and You Will Recieve, Seek and You Will Find

The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

· Jesus tells us that His Father wants us to ask for His help.
· He wants us to recognize His greatness, His love for us and His endless mercy.
· When we ask the Father for His help, we recognize our place – as His child.
· When we boldly ask for the Father’s help, we profess our faith in His benevolence.
· When we persist in our request we demonstrate our trust.
· Will you ask the Father?
· He is waiting for your petition.

Seek the Lord First In All Things

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • The worries of life must be kept in perspective.
  • We must first attend to our relationship with Jesus.
  • The peace of doing God’s will in your life will overshadow the tensions of worry.
  • Tasks must be completed but only after we have set our mental house in order.
  • Nothing must take the better part of our existence away from us.
  • What in your life must be put in order?

Go and Do Likewise

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus teaches us the meaning of mercy and love of neighbor.
  • The life we now live is a prelude to eternal life.
  • How we live it now is how we will live it in the future.
  • Our love of God is demonstrated in our love of neighbor.
  • Your neighbor is everyone around you.
  • Jesus will tend to your wounds to help you better love and serve Him and your neighbor.


The Kingdom of God is at Hand

The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus prepares his disciples for their mission: Spreading the Gospel to the world.
  • He prepares them for possible rejection and hostility.
  • This guidance is for us as well.
  • Our mission is imperative.
  • But Jesus provides the grace to sustain us.
  • Where?
  • Here, in the celebration of the Eucharist.
  • Will you seek the power that Mass can offer you?


…Go and Proclaim the Kingdom of God

The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus was about to go to Jerusalem for the completion of His mission.
  • He said come follow me to those who wanted to participate with Him.
  • He says to us your mission is to live and proclaim the good news in your world.
  • Let nothing get in your way or distract you.
  • Life must be about a focus on mission and the primacy of God in all things.
  • Are you ready?


A Good Tree Does Not Bear Bad Fruit

The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus tells His disciples that they must first be aware of their own interior motives and attitudes.
  • For no matter how much we know, if we do not live the life we preach to others, our message is meaningless, or worse destructive.
  • We live what is in our hearts be that good or evil.
  • Can you be honest with yourself and with God about your actions and your motives?
  • Can you allow humility to replace humanity’s greatest failing – pride?

Love Your Enemies,
Do Good to Those Who Hate You

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus’ intent is to change the way the world works.
  • Jesus’ message is to completely revise how we deal with our neighbor and, indeed, even our enemies.
  • If love is to conquer evil it must start at a most basic level with each of us.
  • Do not treat others in a way that expects a reward or something in return for your actions.
  • Rather, let mercy and love guide you in every action.
  • This is a radically different way compared to what the world teaches.
  • Jesus expects a radically different change in the world as his teachings are implemented.
  • Will you be part of this change?


Do To Others As You Would Have Them Do To You

Ordinary Time
  • Jesus was the first to bring us this most common and most popular rule of life.
  • Similarly, we are not to condemn, judge, or be reluctant to forgive.
  • Jesus expects us to learn from him and live our lives accordingly.
  • His mission was to further the building of the kingdom and our part is to help human beings live in a peaceful and reasonable way.
  • Our actions can either help in the building of the kingdom or do things to tear it down.
  • How can we just make things a little bit better?
  • Can we apply what Jesus said to a part of our life today?


Put Out Into Deep Water

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus challenged the apostles in the boat to take a risk.
  • The apostles had explanations for why they had not been successful fishing based on their way of doing things.
  • The apostles then trusted in what Jesus directed them to do and were astonished at the result.
  • Jesus calls us to make changes in our lives and in how we follow his direction.
  • We too will be astonished at what happens to us and those we encounter if we follow Jesus’ lead.
  • Are we sometimes reluctant to trust in what Jesus says?


No Prophet is Accepted in His Own Place

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus knew what was in the hearts of the people who listened to Him speak in the Synagogue
  • He emphasized that His healing grace and saving power were for any and all who believed, as both Elijah and Elisha demonstrated with their miracles.
  • He could feel their sense of entitlement that they, as His chosen people, should be tended to
  • He could also sense their bitterness, jealousy, anger and unbelief in His divinity.
  • The comparison of self to Elijah and Elisha was the final straw for Jesus’ audience that day, resulting in rage so great that they wished to kill Him.
  • What gets in the way of your belief in the ultimate power and transcendence of Jesus?
  • What prevents you from hearing and fully accepting His words and His grace?

The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me

The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus performed many miracles as he began his formal ministry.
  • He came to His home town and impressed all as He preached in the synagogue.
  • He read from the prophet Isaiah and proclaimed: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing”.
  • Jesus clearly communicated who He was.
  • He was rejected by his home community. He was Joseph’s son.  How could he be the Messiah?  They could not accept who He said He was.
  • So many people knew and know who Jesus was, and is, but they cannot accept Him into their lives.
  • What kept them and can keep us from accepting Jesus for who He is?

Trust in God in All Things

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • We must always remember who we are and who God is. Humility must be a guide for our lives.
  • Our position in life and our time, talents and treasure are always subordinate to Gods’ will for us.
  • If you have much, much may be expected of you. If you only have less, less may be a lot for you to offer.
  • Position, power and wealth will not protect you from life when it comes at you in ways you do not expect. But trust in God will get you through anything.
  • The simple offering of a few coins from the widow, in today’s gospel, is a good example of both humility and trust in God. She gave much of what she had.
  • Is it not a good opportunity to assess our assets and the risks of not using them wisely?

Master, I Want to See

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
  • Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem where He will complete his mission
  • Can we, like the disciples, still not see what Jesus is doing?
  • Cry out to Him in faith to cure your blindness
  • Take courage! Jesus wants to heal you
  • He asks: “What do you want?”
  • What is it that we need to see better through Him?

Whoever Does Not Accept the Kingdom of God Like a Child Will Not Enter It

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

· Approach life in the Kingdom with the openness to majesty, wonder and goodness that children have.
· Look at God’s gifts to us, especially one another, with gratitude and joy.
· God made us for Him and for one another. He made us to be happy.
· Let not human strife spoil our joy with one another, be they friend, relative, neighbor or husband and wife.
· Let us trust, like children do, that our heavenly Father wants what is best for us, and will make his plan known to us.
· Let us seek His plan for us and live to fulfill it – whatever that may be.
· Think about it.

“I Say to You, Arise”

The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

· God the Father made us to live and share in His happiness in spite of the sin and evil that came into the world.
· Jesus showed us throughout His ministry that He can overcome death and evil.
· If we trust and believe in Him, He will respond to our reaching out, as He did with the woman with the hemorrhages and Jarius’ daughter.
· Then you will “ARISE” renewed and healed.
· You will die to your old self, so you can be revitalized in faith and love and live in His Spirit.
· What in your life is causing you pain and difficulty in believing?
· Faith and trust can overcome all of these obstacles for renewal in Jesus Christ.

This is My Body that is for You

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Ordinary Time

– The Holy Spirit is the power of life, all life.
– His power of life changes the bread and wine into Christ’s Body and Blood.
– The Holy Spirit comes in a special way at Mass as we remember Jesus’ sacrifice.
– Jesus comes to you and lives within you by the power of the Holy Spirit.
– The real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, His Body and Blood, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is the central belief of our Catholic Faith.
– The Holy Spirit makes us all one Body of Christ.
– The Holy Spirit, living within us, enlivens us to continue Jesus’ work of spreading the Kingdom of God.
– The power of the Spirit, also Jesus’ Spirit, stirs in our hearts, speaks in our minds, and draws us to God.
– Can you hear his voice in your mind and heart? Be quiet and listen.
– He has come to bring you the presence of Jesus and your salvation.