- The worries of life must be kept in perspective.
- We must first attend to our relationship with Jesus.
- The peace of doing God’s will in your life will overshadow the tensions of worry.
- Tasks must be completed but only after we have set our mental house in order.
- Nothing must take the better part of our existence away from us.
- What in your life must be put in order?
Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time
Go and Do Likewise
- Jesus teaches us the meaning of mercy and love of neighbor.
- The life we now live is a prelude to eternal life.
- How we live it now is how we will live it in the future.
- Our love of God is demonstrated in our love of neighbor.
- Your neighbor is everyone around you.
- Jesus will tend to your wounds to help you better love and serve Him and your neighbor.
The Kingdom of God is at Hand
- Jesus prepares his disciples for their mission: Spreading the Gospel to the world.
- He prepares them for possible rejection and hostility.
- This guidance is for us as well.
- Our mission is imperative.
- But Jesus provides the grace to sustain us.
- Where?
- Here, in the celebration of the Eucharist.
- Will you seek the power that Mass can offer you?
…Go and Proclaim the Kingdom of God
- Jesus was about to go to Jerusalem for the completion of His mission.
- He said come follow me to those who wanted to participate with Him.
- He says to us your mission is to live and proclaim the good news in your world.
- Let nothing get in your way or distract you.
- Life must be about a focus on mission and the primacy of God in all things.
- Are you ready?
A Good Tree Does Not Bear Bad Fruit
- Jesus tells His disciples that they must first be aware of their own interior motives and attitudes.
- For no matter how much we know, if we do not live the life we preach to others, our message is meaningless, or worse destructive.
- We live what is in our hearts be that good or evil.
- Can you be honest with yourself and with God about your actions and your motives?
- Can you allow humility to replace humanity’s greatest failing – pride?
Love Your Enemies,
Do Good to Those Who Hate You
- Jesus’ intent is to change the way the world works.
- Jesus’ message is to completely revise how we deal with our neighbor and, indeed, even our enemies.
- If love is to conquer evil it must start at a most basic level with each of us.
- Do not treat others in a way that expects a reward or something in return for your actions.
- Rather, let mercy and love guide you in every action.
- This is a radically different way compared to what the world teaches.
- Jesus expects a radically different change in the world as his teachings are implemented.
- Will you be part of this change?
Do To Others As You Would Have Them Do To You
- Jesus was the first to bring us this most common and most popular rule of life.
- Similarly, we are not to condemn, judge, or be reluctant to forgive.
- Jesus expects us to learn from him and live our lives accordingly.
- His mission was to further the building of the kingdom and our part is to help human beings live in a peaceful and reasonable way.
- Our actions can either help in the building of the kingdom or do things to tear it down.
- How can we just make things a little bit better?
- Can we apply what Jesus said to a part of our life today?
Put Out Into Deep Water
- Jesus challenged the apostles in the boat to take a risk.
- The apostles had explanations for why they had not been successful fishing based on their way of doing things.
- The apostles then trusted in what Jesus directed them to do and were astonished at the result.
- Jesus calls us to make changes in our lives and in how we follow his direction.
- We too will be astonished at what happens to us and those we encounter if we follow Jesus’ lead.
- Are we sometimes reluctant to trust in what Jesus says?
No Prophet is Accepted in His Own Place
- Jesus knew what was in the hearts of the people who listened to Him speak in the Synagogue
- He emphasized that His healing grace and saving power were for any and all who believed, as both Elijah and Elisha demonstrated with their miracles.
- He could feel their sense of entitlement that they, as His chosen people, should be tended to
- He could also sense their bitterness, jealousy, anger and unbelief in His divinity.
- The comparison of self to Elijah and Elisha was the final straw for Jesus’ audience that day, resulting in rage so great that they wished to kill Him.
- What gets in the way of your belief in the ultimate power and transcendence of Jesus?
- What prevents you from hearing and fully accepting His words and His grace?
The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me
- Jesus performed many miracles as he began his formal ministry.
- He came to His home town and impressed all as He preached in the synagogue.
- He read from the prophet Isaiah and proclaimed: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing”.
- Jesus clearly communicated who He was.
- He was rejected by his home community. He was Joseph’s son. How could he be the Messiah? They could not accept who He said He was.
- So many people knew and know who Jesus was, and is, but they cannot accept Him into their lives.
- What kept them and can keep us from accepting Jesus for who He is?
Trust in God in All Things
- We must always remember who we are and who God is. Humility must be a guide for our lives.
- Our position in life and our time, talents and treasure are always subordinate to Gods’ will for us.
- If you have much, much may be expected of you. If you only have less, less may be a lot for you to offer.
- Position, power and wealth will not protect you from life when it comes at you in ways you do not expect. But trust in God will get you through anything.
- The simple offering of a few coins from the widow, in today’s gospel, is a good example of both humility and trust in God. She gave much of what she had.
- Is it not a good opportunity to assess our assets and the risks of not using them wisely?
Master, I Want to See
- Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem where He will complete his mission
- Can we, like the disciples, still not see what Jesus is doing?
- Cry out to Him in faith to cure your blindness
- Take courage! Jesus wants to heal you
- He asks: “What do you want?”
- What is it that we need to see better through Him?
Whoever Does Not Accept the Kingdom of God Like a Child Will Not Enter It
· Approach life in the Kingdom with the openness to majesty, wonder and goodness that children have.
· Look at God’s gifts to us, especially one another, with gratitude and joy.
· God made us for Him and for one another. He made us to be happy.
· Let not human strife spoil our joy with one another, be they friend, relative, neighbor or husband and wife.
· Let us trust, like children do, that our heavenly Father wants what is best for us, and will make his plan known to us.
· Let us seek His plan for us and live to fulfill it – whatever that may be.
· Think about it.
“I Say to You, Arise”
· God the Father made us to live and share in His happiness in spite of the sin and evil that came into the world.
· Jesus showed us throughout His ministry that He can overcome death and evil.
· If we trust and believe in Him, He will respond to our reaching out, as He did with the woman with the hemorrhages and Jarius’ daughter.
· Then you will “ARISE” renewed and healed.
· You will die to your old self, so you can be revitalized in faith and love and live in His Spirit.
· What in your life is causing you pain and difficulty in believing?
· Faith and trust can overcome all of these obstacles for renewal in Jesus Christ.
This is My Body that is for You
– The Holy Spirit is the power of life, all life.
– His power of life changes the bread and wine into Christ’s Body and Blood.
– The Holy Spirit comes in a special way at Mass as we remember Jesus’ sacrifice.
– Jesus comes to you and lives within you by the power of the Holy Spirit.
– The real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, His Body and Blood, by the power of the Holy Spirit, is the central belief of our Catholic Faith.
– The Holy Spirit makes us all one Body of Christ.
– The Holy Spirit, living within us, enlivens us to continue Jesus’ work of spreading the Kingdom of God.
– The power of the Spirit, also Jesus’ Spirit, stirs in our hearts, speaks in our minds, and draws us to God.
– Can you hear his voice in your mind and heart? Be quiet and listen.
– He has come to bring you the presence of Jesus and your salvation.
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE
- The Holy Spirit burst in upon the Apostles on Pentecost.
- The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit live as one as a community of love in the Trinity.
- It is the will of God that we too are connected to this community by our baptism.
- It is the Holy Spirit who was present at creation, the coming of Jesus into humanity, and our baptism into the life of God in Jesus Christ.
- It is the Holy Spirit who urges us on to participate in the ongoing revelation of the Kingdom of God. He is the spirit of Jesus Christ who directs us to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
- Given our human situation, how can we even begin to participate in spreading the Kingdom?
- The first thing is to believe that we are not to do this alone. It is only by the love of God and guidance of the Spirit that we dare to go forward.
- If you are unsure of yourself, feeling isolated or inadequate, directly appeal to the Holy Spirit to help you.
- Remember what the Holy Spirit did for the other disciples!
No One But the Father Knows the Day or the Hour, The Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
· Then the Son of Man will come in great power and glory.
· The elect will be gathered from “the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of the sky. For others it may not go so well.
· Jesus asks us to look for the warning signs of the end. Remain faithful to Him alone.
· We may face trials and suffering as one of his disciples.
· We must look beyond our trials to see the future. It is certain that the end will come for each of us, at the end of our lives.
· Since we do not know when, are we ready now?
No One But the Father Knows the Day or the Hour
· Our position in life and our time, talents and treasure are always subordinate to Gods’ will for us.
· If you have much, much may be expected of you. If you only have less, less may be a lot for you to offer.
· Position, power and wealth will not protect you from life when it comes at you in ways you do not expect. But trust in God will get you through anything.
· The simple offering of a few coins from the widow, in today’s gospel, is a good example of both humility and trust in God. She gave much of what she had.
· Is it not a good opportunity to assess our assets and the risks of not using them wisely?
“Love the Lord Your God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.”
· Jesus is telling us loving God and loving neighbor is what is most important.
· Bring the Kingdom of God about by opening your heart to God and to His will; this is how you love and serve Him.
· Then do what God is asking in your life, as Jesus did during His.
· God will present you with ways to love your neighbor – take those opportunities to help and care for others – as Jesus did.
· Are our lives connected to Jesus, our guide, through those two most important commandments?
“Master, I Want to See”
· Can we, like the disciples, still not see what Jesus is doing?
· Cry out to Him in faith to cure your blindness.
· Take courage! Jesus wants to heal you.
· He asks: “What do you want?”
· What is it that we need to see better through Him?
Whoever Wishes To Be The First Among You Will Be The Slave To All
· This is the fundamental rule of the kingdom. Do whatever you can to serve God and others without expecting anything in return.
· When you enter the kingdom, as it now reveals itself, you will remain in the kingdom to it’s fullest, for all eternity.
· Your life with God is not a transaction. It is not about what you get for what you give.
· You have a role in establishing the kingdom as it relates to your life. Jesus asks: Are you in it for the duration?
· Step into the kingdom as it relates to your life. Jesus asks: Step into the kingdom! Jesus is waiting for you.
All Things Are Possible For God
· It is even possible for God to help us balance the demands of our lives and the demands He places upon us.
· How hard it is to understand what it means to give up everything to obtain yet more?
· We need food and shelter and enough to care for fulfilling our obligations, but do these concerns keep us from God?
· What is your focus? What is in the back of your mind as you do everything?
· Do you think that God does not know what you need? Do you think that He will not help you to use your wealth and talents to the fullest?
· Ask Him to help you balance and use what you have to further your mission in life.
Jesus Must Be Central to Our Lives
· Anything contrary to Jesus’ teaching must be rooted out. This is true for us as individuals and also for our community.
· We do not know everything about God’s plan and it is particularly dangerous to disparage the faith of others. We could turn them away.
· Following God’s commandments of loving God and our neighbor is a must for our lives.
· Jesus went to great lengths in recent weeks to explain how the receiving of the Eucharist is essential for our holiness.
· Jesus calls us to unity with him and with one another. The connection is faith!
· How are your connections?
To Be First You Must Be Last and The Servant Of All
· Wisdom cries out for us to be peaceable and merciful.
· Even Jesus’ disciples fell victim to enhancing their status and anticipated rewards.
· Jesus says no! You must be as open to Him and as simple as a little child. You are then free of passions that limit you.
· Yet this is the opposite of what our society values. Going against the tide is difficult – Can you do it?
“Who Do You Say That I Am?”
· Even Peter had difficulty accepting the idea that Jesus had to suffer and die and that He, Jesus, would be rejected.
· If Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life, was to suffer and die then His followers must also be willing to to give up their lives too.
· Following Jesus, even though hardship and sacrifice, will lead to salvation.
· Will you do this?
“Here Is Your God… He Comes to Save You.”
· Jesus not only heals the truly blind and deaf but also tells us, too, to be opened to his message.
· The wonders of the world and of heaven are before us if we can only hear and see them.
· Jesus offers us this vision of reality.
· He offers himself.
· Are we sufficiently focused and open to him?
“Be Doers of the Word, Not Hearers Only.”
· God has set His rules and precepts before us as guides to save us.
· Focus on the rules or externals, to build our self-esteem in the opinion of others, instead leaves us empty.
· Following God’s commandments of loving God and our neighbor is a must for our lives.
· Jesus went to great lengths in recent weeks to explain how the receiving of the Eucharist is essential for our holiness.
· Without His presence in our hearts and minds we are susceptible to evil overcoming us.
· Do we sometimes appear to be someone we are really not? Can we choose God over self?
“Can You Accept the Life I Offer You?, Jesus Asks
· He tells us that if we eat His flesh and drink His blood through the Eucharist we can share eternal life with Him.
· Many of the disciples who knew Him could not accept or trust what He was saying and offering. And they left Him!
· Jesus asks us, too, can you enter the dimension of the Spirit to accept the truth and the life I offer?
· Does the truth of the Real Presence in the Eucharist shock you?
· Can you accept it?
“You Will Live Forever…. If”
· We can have all that real life brings in the future and now.
· Receive Jesus in the Eucharist and have this life as you live with Him as part of you and you are part of Him.
· Of all the things we need to sustain us in body and soul, this is the most important.
· Jesus made this point to the disciples and the throng of listeners over and over again. He was clear and specific.
· They had trouble grasping this message. We may have trouble too. But we must devote our every breath to making this message our reality.
Whoever Believes In Me Will Never Hunger or Thirst
· The abundance of God’s mercy and care for us is beyond our imagination.
· He cares for our bodies and also feeds our souls.
· To reach for God and accomplish what He wants for us in our lives, Jesus tells us: “This is the work of God, that you believe in the one He sent.”
· We cry out to Jesus, “Give us life, help us, feed us, with this food you promised to nurture us.”
· Jesus says: “I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”