Message of the Week

Jesus Was Taken Up To Heaven

The Ascension of the Lord

Jesus gave his disciples a final instruction before He was lifted up.

In a few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you and you will be My witnesses.

You too, have, and will again, receive power to be His witnesses.

Remember what He said and did.

Why are you looking at the sky?

Readings: The Ascension of the Lord | USCCB

I Am Sending the Promise of My Father Upon You

The Ascension of the Lord

Jesus had finished His earthly mission and returned to strengthen His disciples.

He showed them that it was not a dream.

He promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide them.

He promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide us.

Pray that you will be open to hearing the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit.



The Ascension of the Lord

The Ascension of the Lord

Jesus is the ultimate reality that is forever present to us.

Jesus is not an idea but the abiding connection of God to us.

He challenges us to accept his work and his reality and spread it throughout our world.

Our faith is to be an earthy reality connected to our everyday life and the life of others.

Are we ready to exercise our faith by doing His work?



He Was Lifted Up, and A Cloud Took Him From Their Sight

The Ascension of the Lord

Jesus gave his disciples a final instruction before He was lifted up.

In a few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you and you will be My witnesses.

You too, have, and will again, receive power to be His witnesses.

Remember what He said and did.

Why are you looking at the sky?


Jesus Was Taken Up To Heaven

The Ascension of the Lord
  • Jesus’ instructions to the disciples were complete.
  • His mission for the salvation of mankind was also complete thus far.
  • Jesus blessed His disciples and promised another special blessing from the Father.
  • The Spirit was to come!
  • Jesus was to be with us in a new way. He had demonstrated that He was alive after His death and now He was to do something else.
  • He said to His disciples “stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”
  • He says to us, too, the power from on high will come to you again in the Spirit. Wait in anticipation.


Go Into the Whole World and Proclaim the Gospel to Every Creature

The Ascension of the Lord
– The lifting up of Jesus on the cross signifies and announces His lifting up by his Ascension into heaven.
– In our Christian life, entering the glory of God demands daily fidelity to His will, even when it demands sacrifice and sometimes requires us to change our plans.
– We have One who always defends us from the snares of the devil, who defends us from ourselves and from our sins!
– The Apostles returned to Jerusalem “with great joy.” But how could this be?  With the gaze of faith they understand.
– Jesus stays with us forever, He does not abandon us and in the glory of the Father supports, guides and intercedes for us.