Cemetery of the Innocents

The Knights of Columbus “Cemetery of the Innocents” memorializes the more than 60 million babies that have died from surgical abortion since the Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision.  As a parent, only you know the sensitivities of your little ones who may ask questions.   Here is some help on how to explain this presentation and the sign to your children.  If your child does not yet read, abortion need not even be discussed.

Talking about the Cemetery of the Innocents:
5-year-old Sally:
“Mommy? What are all the crosses for?”
Mommy: “They are there to remind us to pray for people who have died.”

8-year old Matthew:
“Mom? What does that word ‘Abortion’ on the sign mean?”
Mom: “It’s sad. Sometimes a mother feels like she won’t be able to take care of her baby, so she decides to end her pregnancy.” Matthew’s question may end there, or he may decide to go further…
Matthew: “How does she do that?”
Mom: “Well, there are different ways, but no matter how it’s done it’s always wrong. We need to pray for those mothers–they are in difficult situations and are probably feeling very scared and lonely.”

For more on this topic, please read the article “Presenting the Abortion Issue to Children” at the Priests for Life website: www.priestsforlife.org/preaching/prchild.html

There are many resources for information, support, and healing for men and women. Here are just a few. All inquiries are confidential.
For POST abortion healing call:
PATH (Post Abortion Treatment and Healing) www.healingafterabortion.org, 404-717-5557
If you or someone you know has a crisis pregnancy, call:
The Pregnancy Aid Clinic, www.pregnancyaidclinic.com, (404) 763-4357

Water Turned off at Main Church & Holy Redeemer Saturdays March 8th & 15th 6:00 am - 4:00 pmWater Announcement Details