What we do!

Throughout the Year

Social Events give the women of the parish to get together and share fellowship and community and enjoy each other’s company.

Children’s Spiritual Events give our children the opportunity to learn about our Catholic faith in a relaxed environment with other children. These events include monthly Adoration, Stations of the Cross during Lent, and other Seasonal Activities.

Children’s Playgroups  – Are you a mother with young children between the ages of 0-5? Please reach out to Lauren Hoang, St. Brigid Playgroup and Mom’s Group coordinator for information on weekly playgroups and other ways to stay connected with the Mom’s Group at St. Brigid (laurenblair13@gmail.com).

 Women’s Spiritual Events allow us to connect on a spiritual level and enjoy the beauty of our Catholic Faith.

Women’s Service Events allow us to join together help those around us either in our parish or out in the community.  Reaching the vulnerable in our community is of utmost importance to us.

Seasonal Activities

Advent By Candlelight calling all women to spend an evening focusing on Christ during the busy holiday season.  Invited speakers, shared meals and fellowship make this an unforgettable evening.

Christmas Ornament Exchange is a fun way for mom to kick off the Christmas season with laughs and fellowship … and of course a new ornament!

 Women’s Day of Reflection happens every January and it’s a way for us to focus our minds and hearts towards living our faith in a more meaningful way in the year ahead.

Breakfast with Santa and the Easter Bunny  are beloved traditions that the entire Parish is invited to attend and participate.

Family Stations of the Cross is held during Lent to give families with young children the opportunity to worship as a family.

Giving Back

The Holly Days Market is our biggest fundraising event of the year. Not only do we raise funds to support our group, but we also support local charities.  Please prayerfully consider helping out in whatever capacity you are able.  Email SBHollyDays@gmail.com.

The Giving Tree is an annual gift giving initiative that we use to support a local charity.  In 2024, we were thrilled to give over $12,000 in gifts and gift cards to an organization through the generosity of our parish.  WOSB was proud to sponsor this amazing initiative of gift giving.

We also helped sponsor the annual LTE Prom as well as dinners and the Spring Carnival.

Finally, we help support our parish picnic and sponsor the Mustard Seed 5K each year.