Pastor's Corner

2013 07-28 The Prayer That Makes it Possible to Reach out to the Father

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From our pastor, Fr. Neil Hurlihy:

In today’s gospel, (Luke 11:1-13), Jesus gives us the prayer that makes it possible to reach out to the Father.  One of our scripture commentators reminds us that in giving us the “Our Father”, Jesus is not only giving us a prayer, but also a lesson in prayer.  And the greatest lesson is in the very first phrase when we say, “Abba”, that is “Father.”  And the lesson is that prayer is about relationship, specifically our relationship with our loving God.  He is our Father and it is entirely appropriate that we should turn to him with our problems, worries and desires.  We have the privilege to pray this special prayer at every Mass.  This prayer should not just come from the lips.  It is a prayer that should come from the heart as well.  It is a prayer that should come from our very being. 

Today, as we strive to do the will of Our Father, we are invited to make time to pray a few prayers of petition.  Maybe we can pray for guidance in scheduling our time so that we may spend one hour each week with Jesus in Eucharistic adoration.  Maybe we can pray for greater stability and understanding in our marriages.  Maybe we can pray for the ability to cope with loved ones who struggle with alcoholism or drug addiction.  Maybe we can pray that our children will return to the active practice of the faith.  Maybe we can pray for the courage to cope with serious illness such as cancer.  Maybe we can pray that the sanctity of life will be respected, especially in our nation.  Maybe we can pray for an end to war in the Middle East and the safe return of our troops.  In these and many other ways, we can offer our prayers to Our Heavenly Father.  

I am pleased to see the spiritual vitality of this Parish reflected in its prayer life.  Many of us have made prayer a priority in our lives.  When we pray we are following the example of Jesus, Our Teacher and we are strengthening our relationship with Our Father.  We are doing His will.  We are answering our call to discipleship and getting closer and closer to the Father who loves us. 


Fr. Neil Herlihy


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