Message of the Week

.. whoever remains in Me and I in Him will bear much fruit.

Fifth Sunday of Easter

The beauty of this Easter season is that the Word became flesh, died for our sins, conquered death, and gives us access to the Father. Each of these remarkable events point to the fact that our faith is real, tangible, even corporeal. Though we all have a personal relationship with God in the very depths of our hearts, as human beings, we are meant to share our hearts with the world. In other words, we should not be keeping our faith in our hearts but bringing it to the world.

The second reading for today reminds us of this fact when it says, “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” It seems that it is not enough to simply think about or talk about God, but our interior faith must be reflected by deeds.

The second reading seems to be telling us that a private faith is not enough. Our actions should flow from the faith we have that we have been made in the image and likeness of God. Sometimes we can think because faith is so personal, it does not need to be shared. I know I have had the mindset at times that as long as I am in good relationship with God I am doing just fine. But the Gospel implores us to share. Jesus commands the disciples to go to the ends of the earth to preach the Gospel.

We might take the approach that we can be an example and hope that people will see the way we live and make the connection to our Christian faith, but at some point, we are called to act in love. Jesus wants us to talk about him, to serve, to forgive, to feed the poor. After all, he died not only so we could personally believe, but so that all men could be saved and come to knowledge of the truth.

This Easter season is a perfect time to reflect on the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Maybe hang a list of them somewhere so they will be a constant reminder to act. Faith is the supernatural virtue where we come to believe, but this belief is so profound and tangible that it can’t help but be shared. Let’s take a word from the end of every Mass, go in peace to love and SERVE the Lord.

Tommy Shultz, Diocesan Publications


I Am in My Father and You Are In Me and I Am In You

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