Pastor's Corner

2014 06-15 The Most Holy Trinity and Father’s Day

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Most Holy Trinity.  In many ways, this feast is a mystery concerning God’s unconditional love for us.  God the Father loved us so much that He sent His Son into the world to save us.  God the Son loved us so much that He died for us.  God the Holy Spirit loved us so much that He filled us with wisdom and understanding.  This Trinitarian love is a love that we strive primarily to experience rather than explain.    

We also celebrate Father’s Day and we remember in a special way all that dads mean to their children.  We are reminded that many of our parishioners are also fathers.  As parishioners and as fathers, we are invited to set a good example for our children and to help prepare them for lives as Catholic men and women.

The Catholic publication “Our Sunday Visitor” has suggested certain ways this may be accomplished.  As parishioners and as fathers, we are challenged to take the lead to see that our family attends Mass, preferably as a family.  It would serve us well to do our part in teaching the Catholic faith to our children and not place this responsibility exclusively on our spouses.  It may also be beneficial to lead our family in prayer, especially publicly in restaurants, without embarrassment or hesitation.  We can strive to lead balanced lives, make time for recreation as a family, and encourage our children to be thankful for the gifts God has given them.

It is important that we remember that as sons, we also have fathers ourselves.  We are called to honor our fathers.  There is a need to maintain a strong bond of communication with them and assist in their care in their later years, after the many years that they have cared for us in so many different ways.  It is also suggested that we pray for them after their death.  Our love for our fathers and for our other family members should reflect the Trinitarian love that God has for us. 

As we know, Pope Francis has placed great emphasis and focus on the family.  As fathers, in the spirit of Pope Francis, we should have a great appreciation for the family unit.  We are also called to understand that being a father is a great privilege and also a great responsibility. 

As we thank all fathers on this special day, we are invited to thank Our Heavenly Father for the gift of our lives and for the many blessings He has bestowed on us.  



2014 10-05 Respect Life
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