Guest column from Deacon Tom Huff
I can think of many ways to begin this Year of Mercy and one that comes to mind is the Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Program offered to our parishioners on January 30 and 31 (Women’s weekend) and February 6 and 7 (Men’s weekend). The CRHP weekend is a free gift from God that can have a tremendous impact on the personal faith journey of anyone who chooses to attend. I have included four personal reflections of men and women who attended the CRHP 15 weekends this past August:
“We had just moved to Alpharetta and I felt a bit like a fish out of water—attending Mass in a large and vibrant parish was great, but deep down I did not feel connected. CRHP was a great opportunity for me to meet 30 CRHP attendees and another 30 weekend presenters from the parish. We shared good talk, good food, and some real life experiences. I came away from the weekend with several new friends and a renewed sense of purpose—as a Parishioner, as a Dad, and as a Catholic. I told my wife about the experience and she is planning to attend in January.”
“Participating on CRHP 15 was a wonderful gift to myself—time for inner reflection, time to be inspired, and time to renew my soul, body, and mind. It changed me. Jesus is now more at the center of my life—more now than ever before, and I’m inspired to seek Him in a much deeper way every day on my life journey. Participating in CRHP enabled me to meet a group of amazing women who are seeking a deeper, fuller life with Christ—something I’ve been searching for. I’ve loved getting to know them and myself better on this journey as we grow in our faith.”
“I would have to say that I had no real expectations of what this CRHP weekend would bring but came away pleasantly surprised in how fulfilling it was to spend the weekend with such a diverse group of men from our Parish. It seemed we were all in so many different places in our faith journey but whether in good times or more challenging ones we all did share one thing, our interest in strengthening our relationship with Christ. Listening to the speakers and sharing thoughts with my fellow Brothers in Christ really allowed me a fresh perspective on my relationship with God. This weekend really inspired me and has renewed my desire to not only walk more closely with Christ but my fellow man as well.”
As this new year begins, why not make a resolution to seek out Christ on a CRHP weekend? Come away renewed and refreshed, ready to face the challenges of this new Year of Mercy.