Message of the Week

Come before your God in Thanksgiving, Why?

Solemnity of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

– For a moment, think of the things for which you are thankful.

– It is also good to remember some of the basics, especially the realization that God has given us everything. He literally breathed life into our nostrils. Once there was darkness before us and He brought us into light. At one time we had no future and now Paradise is before us.

– Sometimes we can only focus on immediate things or problems in our life. We often only think of what we have and what we do not have. Sometimes we do not focus on the big picture and we become complacent with our existence. But it can all go away in a minute.

– The good thief who hung on a cross next to Jesus had lost everything. He could not escape, he was going to die. He recognized who Jesus was and asked Him, “Will You take me with You?” Jesus said, “I will take you with Me.” Imagine how the thief felt at that moment. That must have been profound absolute thankfulness and gratitude.

– There is a certain sense of gratitude that comes when we realize that we have what is truly important regardless of the circumstances of our lives. Sometimes gratitude stems from the humility that it takes to acknowledge something we have lost or a failure that Jesus has made right.

– During the Mass, we celebrate the Eucharist. The word ”Eucharist” means thanksgiving. It is the celebration of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection through which we are saved.

– In the Mass, we can offer our lives in thanksgiving and worship for what God has done for us and in a petition for what we need. Jesus says to us, “I will take you with Me.” Do you want to go?

– This is a unique opportunity to encounter Jesus once again. This can be the realization of our personal relationship with Him. If we are not there with Him, at that moment, it is hard to share in the relationship and the thanksgiving.

Holy Day – Mary, Mother of God, Monday, January 1

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