Message of the Week

Be Doers of the Word

Jesus Must Be Central to Our Lives

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
· Any actions performed faithfully in Jesus’ name must be respected.
· Anything contrary to Jesus’ teaching must be rooted out. This is true for us as individuals and also for our community.
· We do not know everything about God’s plan and it is particularly dangerous to disparage the faith of others.  We could turn them away.
· Following God’s commandments of loving God and our neighbor is a must for our lives.
· Jesus went to great lengths in recent weeks to explain how the receiving of the Eucharist is essential for our holiness.
· Jesus calls us to unity with him and with one another.  The connection is faith!
· How are your connections?

All Things Are Possible For God

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To Be First You Must Be Last and The Servant Of All

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