Message of the Week

Behold, I Am Sending a Messenger Ahead of You

Second Sunday of Advent

It seems the early Church had a different view of Advent than we do.  After the resurrection, Christians looked for Jesus to return in glory.  They expected this return to happen soon, so we see references in Paul’s letters to the “coming of the Lord Jesus” (1 Thess 3:13) or to the “day of Christ Jesus.”  (Phil 1:6)

In the second reading this week, we hear what Paul recommends for the people of Philippi as they wait for the Lord to return.  He prays that their love will grow and mature, so that they will be able to “discern what is of value.” (Phil 1:10)  This may sound vague, but is very good advice, even for us today.

As we grow to be better Christians, we learn to love what is important.  As you grew up, you learned to like healthier foods. That doesn’t mean that some foods are bad (how could nachos be bad?), just that there are better choices.   Paul encourages us to make better choices: friends we like, books we read, how we spend our free time, causes we donate to, and values we teach to our children.  With less than three weeks of Advent remaining, let us ask the Lord to help us “discern what is of value” in our lives.

Tom Schmidt, Diocesan Publications

Second Sunday of Advent | USCCB

I AM the Voice of the ONE Crying Out in the Desert, “Make Straight the Way of the LORD

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