Message of the Week

Come Before Your God in Faith, Why?

Third Sunday of Advent

– Because it allows you to see beyond yourself and it allows you to see the Miracle.

– The Miracle is the very presence of Jesus Christ in the transformed Bread and Wine of the Mass.

– Jesus said, “I am the Living Bread that comes down from Heaven. Whoever eats this Bread will have life everlasting.”

– Faith allows us to see this as it happens. Faith allows you to see and experience Jesus not only coming before you but also becoming part of you…and you becoming part of Him.

– This is not a symbolic gesture or imagined event…it is Reality.

– When you receive Jesus in the Eucharist, the Miracle happens to you. But you must be present when this happens.

– Believe and your eyes will be opened.

Come Before Your God in Joy, Why?

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