· A Savior was born for you. This was the greatest possible sign of God’s love.
· The Savior remains with you. This amazing gift of God’s love is His desire to remain with you in spirit and body.
· Mary and Elizabeth both experienced the coming of Jesus into their lives. They experienced the joy and words of the divine encounter. They said: how could this be a reality for us?
· The coming of Jesus was real to them. It happened.
· The reality of the Savior is real for us too. Why has God come so close to us? Why does He offer himself to us? Because He loves us!
· With the coming of Jesus, everything in the world and all of history changed. Everything in your life changed. In this Christmas season, ponder the gift of this great mystery — the mystery of the birth of Jesus and His coming to you again and again in the Eucharist.

For Unto You Is Born This Day A Savior
The Nativity of the Lord