Message of the Week

Jesus Is the Holy One of God

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
– God promised Moses that he would send a Prophet to his people and that whoever did not listen to him would have to answer to God.
– All throughout the Scriptures we hear the resounding theme that we should strive to listen for the voice of God and when we do hear it, not to harden our hearts.
– God promises to guide us, to shepherd us, but we must listen to the words of the Holy Prophet he sent, which is Jesus, his only begotten Son In the Gospel, the demons recognize Jesus, they call him the Holy One of God.
– Like the demons, we too should recognize Jesus, but to believe who he is, is not enough, because as Saint James tells us, “Even the demons believe – and shudder.” (James 2:19)
– If we want this faith to profit us unto salvation, it must not be apart from the works of God (cf. James 2:14), because our faith should take root in our hearts by working through love.
– Let us obey the teachings of the Holy Prophet of God, Jesus Christ.  Let us feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and imprisoned…let us do what our Father commands.

Jesus – Lent – Humanity

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