Message of the Week

Love is the Bond of the Family

The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph

We are brothers and sisters of Jesus because we are children of his mother, Mary and his Father.

God has adopted us as his very own children and has forgiven us.

As a family, God has chosen us to allow the peace of Christ to control our hearts and so we should forgive our family members when they wrong us.

We are called to love our family in imitation of the Holy Family by….

¨ Being compassionate when they suffer

¨ Being kind in all the circumstances of family life

¨ Being humble even when you know you are right

¨ Being gentle and patient with their faults and failings

Let us always thank God for the gift of the Holy Family and our own.


Readings:  Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph | USCCB

I Have Come To Do Him Homage

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