First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion

The Archdiocese of Atlanta requires that children preparing for these sacraments attend formal religious education for two consecutive years.

This means that all children who plan to celebrate the sacraments in the second grade must also have participated in religious education in the 1st grade whether it is through a parish-sponsored religious education program (PSR) or Catholic School attendance. They must also be enrolled in Catholic School or PSR with satisfactory participation for second grade.

If you have a child who you wish to prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion at Saint Brigid you must be an active and participating member of the parish.   Everyone must complete the Sacrament Registration form attached to this page or is available in the parish office.   Please include verification of Catholic Baptism and first-grade religious education from either a Catholic School or Parish School of Religion.

All 2nd-grade children who are registered for 1st Reconciliation / 1st Holy Communion will receive e-mail notification of upcoming events and important dates.  Parents must attend a parent meeting scheduled in October.  Basic sacrament information and a schedule of events for the preparation of First Reconciliation will be given out at the October parent meeting.  All information for First Holy Communion will be distributed after the completion of First Reconciliation.

1st Reconciliation typically takes place in January and 1st Holy Communion in May. All children who attend Catholic Schools must register for the Sacraments in their home parish.  Saint Brigid Parishioners should use the form located on this page.  Failure to register for the sacraments within the open registration time may result in a delay in the celebration of the sacraments.

Special programs are available for children who are in grade 3 or higher and have not yet celebrated these sacraments.  Please look for more information under the Order of Christian Initiation webpage.

Registration for First Reconciliation and Holy Communion 2026 begins in March 2025!