Prayer Quilt

We offer comfort through prayer to those experiencing illness, serious surgery and other infirmities through our prayer quilts.  Each individual tie represents a prayer for the recipient.

  • Sewers and Prayer Warriors:  We make the quilts, made of 3 layers (top, batting and bottom), and tie them with perle cotton floss.  Each individual tie represents a prayer for the recipient.  The quilts are labeled, “Stitched with love and tied with prayers for” whomever from the Prayer Quilt Ministry of Saint Brigid Church.  We meet twice a month at our co-chairs’ homes.
  • Individual Roles:  We are a very informal group. Each member of the ministry contributes to the quilt-making process according to her ability. Tasks include:  cutting fabric, machine sewing fabric pieces together, ironing, layering tying and binding quilts.  Whatever is not finished at the meetings can be taken home for completion or done at the next meeting.  Simple straight stitch machines are used and minimal sewing expertise is required, namely sewing straight seams.
  • Finding Recipients: Volunteers are needed to find recipients who will accept a prayer quilt.  Those who have received our quilts express how much comfort they feel knowing that they have been remembered through prayer.
  • Fundraising Roles:  We are a self-sustaining ministry.  Therefore we do spend some time making a variety of items to sell at “Holly Days” in order to purchase sewing supplies and batting.  Our ministry always needs ideas for what to make that might appeal to buyers.

Marie Wood


Prayer Quilt Ministry Coordinator

Diane Berdis


Prayer Quilt Ministry Coordinator

Water Turned off at Main Church & Holy Redeemer Saturdays March 8th & 15th 6:00 am - 4:00 pmWater Announcement Details