Pastor's Corner

2012 02-19

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February 19, 2012

The Military Ministry of St. Peter Chanel will hold a Welcome Home Veteransgathering on the 23rd of June, from 8:30 AM to 3 PM. This event is meant to offer returning veterans our care, our support and our promise, to assist them as they return to “ordinary” life. Ms. Pamela C. Garrett is the organizing power behind this endeavor. She hopes that it will grow to become a yearly affair and sponsored by the parishes of our Deanery.  For our veterans and families, and for those of you that want to give back to the soldiers that served to protect us and our freedoms, please contact Ms. Garrett at (770-239-8006). She welcomes your call and your support…for those that have risked all for us! 


The holy season of Lent begins this week on Ash Wednesday. Please look for the full schedule of our Ash Wednesday liturgies elsewhere in this bulletin or on our web-site ( We are called to fast and pray…always…as disciples of the Lord Jesus. During holy Lent, these spiritual disciplines are intensified. The work we are invited to take up by the Lord…metanoia…conversion of heart.  Let us walk the forty days together. 


Two things to assist you for a holy Lent…right here at the parish: the Knights of Columbus Fish Frybetween the hours of 5PM to 9PM  before and afterthe Stations of the Cross.  Please join us for both! 


As we have witnessed Archbishop Gregory and every other Catholic Bishop stand up and speak against the federal government’s threat to our religious liberty, I would ask you to remember these two things: support the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal…and…register to vote! 


On Saturday the 25th, we will offer the communal Anointing of the Sick, just after the Vigil Mass (at approximately 6 PM). Those Catholics over the age of seven and experiencing serious, life-threatening illness as well as those that are preparing for surgery and those that have seen a marked decline in health…this gift of His Presence is for you. 


2012 02-26 Parish Survey
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