Pastor's Corner

2012 03-11

Written by:

March 11, 2012

Our Lenten Mission: 19 through 21 March 

Fr. Dan Mahan of Marian University in Indianapolis will be with us for this year’s Lenten Mission. In our three day Lenten Mission, Fr. Mahan will encourage our parish family to grow closer to the Lord Jesus, to deepen our bonds of communion with the Catholic Church, and to inspire us to a recommitment to the work that the Lord has given us. 

Our Lenten Mission, entitled More than Silver or Gold is all about gratitude…for all the gifts given…gratitude for the gift of life, for the gifts of family and friends, for the gift of faith, for the gift of this parish, for the incredible gift of God’s mercy, experienced in and through the blessed gift of God’s Son…the Lord… Jesus of Nazareth. 

Why not make this three-night mission the central spiritual work of your Lent? Each night, Fr. Dan Mahan will speak to us for one hour. I hope and pray that you’ll be able to give yourself this gift…to spend this hour with the parish, in learning more about what it means to live the joyful, disciplined life of a follower of Jesus. 

On Monday the 19th, the hour-long talk will end with a period of Adoration, followed by Benediction. 

On Tuesday the 20th, the hour-long talk will end with our parish’s Lenten penance service. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered at 8 PM, and we will have lots of priests to assist us with this great sign of Christ’s Presence among us! 

On Wednesday the 21st, the concluding hour-long talk will be followed by a parish social in Corbett Hall.

Three days…three hours of the life you’ve been given. Please join me at More than Silver or Gold, 19-21 March. BABYSITTING will be offered each evening! 

Our parish survey:

assisting me in discerningGod’s plan for Saint Brigid 

The many coordinators of our ministries, along with the members of our Finance Council and our staff…these lay-leaders along with our deacons… have told me the same thing: our parish needs more room: for meetings, for fellowship, for catechesis, for outreach. I have heard them. I need to hear from you. Please assist me in discerning God’s plan for Saint Brigid, by filling out our on-linesurvey (


I need you to participate in the survey for several reasons: Yes…I need to know how you understand our need for additional space (and a building project); but I also need to know how you are feeling about our parish community…our liturgies…our programs…how the clergy and staff are serving you? Please take this online survey…about 15 minutes of your time…to help me with the pastoring of our parish family.  March 15 is the deadline for those wanting to have their voices heard. 

A new Pastoral Council:

is the Lordcalling you to serve on this Council? 

The members of the current Parish Council are assisting me in the work of establishing a new Pastoral Council. This new twelve-member Pastoral Council is designed to facilitate better communication and communion, between the various ministries of the parish, between the ministries and the staff. In this new Council, we will ask that ten adult parishioners serve as at-large members. The application to become a member of this new Council will be offered in the near future. Please consider serving as an at-large member of the Council. Give me a call or an electronic shout (, to discuss this new and improved Pastoral Council, soon-to-be unveiled at Saint Brigid. 


2012 03-18 Lenten Mission
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