Pastor's Corner

2012 11-25 Proud to welcome Fr. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B.

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Saint Brigid is proud to welcome Fr. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B. 

Join us for dinner, drinks and Fr. Cassian’s presentation on Lectio Divina: The practice of scripture reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation intended to promote communion with God through the Living Word.


“My heart is restless until it rests in Thee” 

St.  Augustine 

In Norcia, Italy;  Saint Benedict and his twin sister Saint Scholastica were born here in 480AD.  As  Benedict’s  fame grew as founder of Latin Monasticism, in the 8th century, an oratory was built to commemorate the place of his birth. Monks came to the walled town of Norcia in the 10th century and remained until 1810 when they were forced to flee under Napoleonic laws. 


“If you hear His voice today, harden not your hearts”   

Psalm 95

In every age, God has raised up men and women who hear Christ’s call to discipleship and respond in a radical way, to dedicate themselves completely to the Lord. In 1998, on the Feast of Saint Benedict,  approval was given for a new monastery in Rome, inspired by Fr. Cassian Folsom. Two years later,  on the First Sunday of Advent, in the Jubilee Year of 2000,  the Monks returned.  The monastery moved to it’s current location in Norcia,  The Basilica of San Benedetto.  It is  built over the birthplace of  Saint Benedict.  

Fr. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B., the Prior and founder of the  Benedictine monastery in Norcia, Italy, along with several other American Brothers, were charged by Rome to care for the Basilica of San Benedetto; and for the many visiting pilgrims.  The Benedictines of Norcia see themselves as humble instruments for the necessary New Evangelization of Europe. 

With the happy problem of a steady stream of vocations and inquirers, they began looking for a larger more quiet location for a future Abbey. A 16th century former Capuchin monastery which sits  on a ridge above the town of Norcia, has been obtained from the Diocese, severely damaged by earthquakes and neglect. There remains an enormous  project to make this Abbey their home, a place of prayer, study and contemplation. The Basilica in town will be a place to share the fruits of that contemplation with others.  It will be a labor for Christ and his Church, to insure the presence of a monastic community at the very place where western monasticism has it’s roots. That God may use us as his instruments for the good of souls and the Church. 

Fr. Cassian, Prior and founder of the monastery, was born in Massachusetts. He grew up in Connecticut and became a monk at St. Meinrad Arch Abbey in 1979.  Fr. Cassian was ordained a priest in 1984, received his doctorate in liturgy in Rome in 1989 and became the president of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in 1992. 

On Saturday, Dec. 1 & Sunday, Dec. 2; on Norcia Sunday; Fr. Cassian will speak at all Masses followed by a meet & greet in Corbett Hall. That Sunday we will celebrate what they call a “Norcia Sunday”; a day to raise awareness about their Benedictine mission and special charism. To learn more about the Monks of Norcia, their way of life, beautiful music and liturgy, please visit our website at  

  Dinner Fri. Nov 30th is $10 per person. RSVP at by Nov. 27.

Free babysitting provided. 

  And look for a letter in your mailbox from the Monks of Norcia Foundation soon; they want to share more information with you about their mission and work.

Thank you for welcoming Fr. Cassian to our parish!


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