Pastor's Corner

2014 01-19 Respect Life

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy:

This Wednesday Archbishop Gregory will celebrate a special “Mass for the Unborn” at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Atlanta.  Prior to this Mass, we will sponsor a Prayer Vigil for Life on Tuesday evening in our Day Chapel at Saint Brigid.  Details concerning the Mass and the Vigil are included in the bulletin.  The Mass and the Vigil will bring attention to the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.  This decision legalized abortion in this country.  This decision in effect minimized the value of human life and the dignity of the human person and is clearly not consistent with Catholic teaching. 

At this time, we are invited in a special way to recommit ourselves to the dignity and value of all human life.  As we have previously indicated, the Lord invites us to bear witness not only to the value and sacredness of the unborn, but also to the elderly, and the physically and mentally ill.  We are urged to treat our brothers and sisters, young and old, with the dignity we ourselves expect.  They join us as the people of God.  They are God’s children too, and deserve our love and support.  We pray that where people fail to value this gift of life, God may change their hearts and minds.


There are signs that hearts and minds are changing.  Many physicians are now providing greater compassion to women in crisis pregnancy situations.  There is also a renewed appreciation for, and understanding of, those with physical conditions such as autism and “Downs Syndrome.”  We are starting to become more aware that those who have grown weak and frail because of old age are more of a blessing than a burden.  We are reminding others that Jesus heals and forgives.  As a Church community, we can also.  We are more clearly realizing that Jesus died for every human being, not just for the young and the strong and the powerful, that every life is precious beyond measure.

 Today we are invited to reaffirm our commitment to welcome the joy of new life as a gift from God, and to support this life from conception until natural death.  We are invited to attend Vigil on Tuesday and the Mass on Wednesday.  We are also invited to pray, to live, to love, and to bear witness to the Gospel of Life as we continue and persevere on our Christian journey of faith. 



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