Pastor's Corner

2023 12-24   Christmas

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

My brothers and sisters in Christ:

Jesus comes into our world at Christmas as a sign of the love God has for us. Our Advent liturgies, Parish Advent Mission, and emphasis on the Mass have helped us complete a wonderful time of preparation as we go forward in hope, thanksgiving, faith, and joy, and get ready to receive the Christ Child into lives and into our hearts.

In a Christmas homily, Pope Francis stated, “The Christmas manger, the first message of the divine Child, tells us that God is with us; He loves us and He seeks us.” Our Holy Father also noted, “The poverty of the manger shows us where the true riches in life are to be found not in money and power, but in relationships and persons.”

As we consider these insightful words of Our Holy Father, we are invited to focus on prayer, reflection, wonder, and silence, and allow the sacred mysteries of Christmas to take on a special meaning in our lives. My hope for all of us this Christmas is that we will take to heart these profound words of Psalm 32,

“Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord, exult, you just! O come ring out your joy, all you upright of heart.”

As disciples, we have much for which to rejoice and be thankful. As a community of faith, we join in thanking God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us, our families, and our nation. We especially thank Him for the gift of His Son.

I am truly grateful for your continued emphasis on the spiritual integrity and vitality of the Parish, for your active participation in our liturgical celebrations, and for your enthusiastic support. In addition, I am also deeply grateful for your generosity which, in so many ways, has enhanced and strengthened the many programs, ministries, and activities which we offer at Saint Brigid. I am especially thankful for your support of Eucharistic Adoration, your awareness of the poor and the sick, and your assistance and prayers in fostering vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.

At this special time of the year, may we allow the light of Christ to shine through the darkness of our lives. May we truly experience the joy and love of the Lord this Christmas as we hear His voice in the silence of our hearts.

On behalf of Fr. Darragh, Fr. Bill, our Deacons, and staff, I wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, and holy New Year. May you experience the wonder of the Lord’s presence in many profound and mysterious ways.

It is a privilege to serve you.

2023 12-31   We celebrate the Holy Family of Jesus and the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God
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2023 12-16   Rejoice! The Third Sunday of Advent
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