Pastor's Corner

2025 01-26  Catholic Schools Week and Operation Mustard Seed

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This week we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week, with the theme of “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community”. It is hosted by the National Catholic Education Association, (NCAE).  The organization states, “Catholic Schools have an irreplaceable role in the Church’s evangelizing mission.  Building on the central goal of Catholic schools to form saints, Catholic schools teach and embrace the whole person, body, mind and spirit.  The fact that all members of a Catholic school community share the Christian vision of faith that Christ is the foundation of Catholic education is what unites the school as a faith-filled community.”  NCAE also notes that, “While faith is the binding element in Catholic schools, the Church reiterates that parents are the first teachers of their children.  Holding this tenet, Catholic school communities expand beyond the walls of school buildings to envelop the family as an integral part of the school community.  Together teachers, administrators, staff, students and parents fuel the light of faith by integrating culture with faith and faith with living.”
Catholic education has always been a priority for the Catholic bishops of our nation.  For many years, Catholic schools had been staffed primarily by nuns, religious brothers, and priests.  They are now staffed primarily by lay teachers who truly view teaching as their vocation.  These teachers strive to educate and form students who will embrace and spread the faith.  We are blessed to have such dedicated men and women teaching our students.

This Sunday we also focus on the work of the Mustard Seed Communities (MSC).  Mustard Seed was founded by Msgr. Gregory Ramkissoon, a Catholic priest in Jamaica.  MSC started in Jamaica and expanded to Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Africa.  It cares for several hundred children with special physical and mental health needs, many of whom have been abandoned.  Pope Francis stated, “We need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished, and protected.” Mustard Seed strives to love and protect the most vulnerable of our children.  It strives to focus on these children as gifts from God.  MSC also manages a number of community outreach programs to combat poverty and provide educational opportunities to local populations.

Saint Brigid Parish supports MSC primarily through its spiritual and financial assistance.  Our parishioners also participate in mission trips to assist in the construction of appropriate housing for the children in need.  Some of our parishioners have also adopted children from various communities of Mustard Seed.  Representatives of MSC will be available after the Masses this weekend to answer questions about the Community and the work it does.  Please prayerfully consider supporting MSC as we stand united with the least of our brothers and sisters.

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