Pastor's Corner

2025 01-19  Day of the Legal Protection on the Unborn

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

Our Holy Father Pope Francis has spoken often and eloquently about the value of human life and the dignity of the human person.  As reported in the media outlet, “National Catholic Register”, he stated that “in all its phases and at any age, human life is always sacred.  Every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to be aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before he was born, and then just after birth, experienced the world’s rejection.”

As Catholics, we are called to respect the fundamental dignity of the human person and hope to see that dignity be granted to all of God’s children, including our preborn brothers and sisters.  This support for the fundamental dignity of the human person and the sanctity of life will be emphasized on Saturday, January 25th at a special Mass for the Preborn at Holy Spirit Catholic Church.  At the Mass, we will be reminded about how all of God’s children deserve our love and support, and that we should pray that God will change the hearts and minds of those who fail to value the gift of life.

The following prayer titled “Children are a Gift” provided by “Priests for Life” reflects our concern for the value of life.


God, You are the source of all Life.  At the beginning of history, You gave us the command to be fertile and multiply.
You call us to be generous in cooperating with You in bringing forth new life, new children for Your kingdom and Your glory.
We rejoice, O God, in the gift and privilege that You give Your sons and daughters to welcome new life from You and to cooperate with You in receiving, cherishing, and nurturing that new life.
Bless all parents, Lord, and help those who are afraid to be parents.  Dispel their fears, give them confidence, and fill their hearts with the awareness that children are a gift from You.
May we always reverence that gift, knowing that we can neither demand it nor discard it.  May we be found faithful stewards of creation, beginning with the children You entrust not only to their parents but to the protection and care of us all.
We pray through Christ our Lord.  Amen

As we reflect on this prayer, Our Holy Father Pope Francis has challenged us to bear witness not only to the value and sacredness of the preborn but also to the elderly and the physically and mentally ill.  He also asked us to be compassionate toward those suffering from the painful trauma of abortion and to pray for their healing.

2025 01-26  Catholic Schools Week and Operation Mustard Seed
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