Pastor's Corner

2020 11-22   We Pray That Thanksgiving Day Will Truly Be a Time to Thank God for Prayers Answered and Blessings Received.

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This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe as we approach the end of the liturgical year of our Church.  We remember in a special way what Christ means to us, and what Christ did for us, and that we are called to serve the King of Kings.

This coming Thursday, we also celebrate Thanksgiving Day, and we are encouraged to give thanks for the many blessings that the Lord has bestowed on us.  As in the past, we pray that Thanksgiving Day will not be commercialized, but rather will truly be a time for reflection and thanksgiving.  As we enjoy a meal together, we can reflect on our blessings and thank God for the gifts of our life, our health, our family, our friends, and our vocations.  We can also give thanks for the gift of our precious faith, and for the opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters, especially our brothers and sisters in need at this time of the year.

The following “Simple Thanksgiving Prayer” provided by the media outlet “Catholic Daily Readings” reflects the significance of the day:

Father, we are thankful for the food on our plates this holiday.  When so many of our brothers and sisters are suffering, you provided for us a bounty.  We are appreciative of the fact that you have connected each of our lives in ways that honor you and show how much you love all of us.  God thank you for the love you provide to us through one another.
Heavenly Father, we praise You for all you have sacrificed for us through your Son, Jesus Christ.  You made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.  Lord, we are thankful for your forgiveness when we lose our way.  We are grateful for your kindness when we make mistakes.  We are thankful for your strength when we need help getting back on our feet.  You are there to provide a helping hand, warmth, and so much more love than we deserve.
Father, let us never forget how much we owe You and let us always be humble before your eyes.  Thank you for giving to us, keeping us safe.  Thank You for providing and protecting.  In Your holy name.  Amen.

As we reflect on this prayer, our bishops suggest that beginning Monday, the days before Thanksgiving be set aside for deeds of charity, for penance, and prayers for economic justice.  We can also pray that Thanksgiving Day will truly be a time to thank God for prayers answered and blessings received.

On behalf of the priests, deacons, and staff at Saint Brigid, I give thanks for our Saint Brigid faith community and I pray that your Thanksgiving Day will be a blessed one.


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