Message of the Week

You Shall Worship the Lord Your God
and Him Alone Shall You Serve

The First Sunday of Lent
  • As Jesus began his ministry He was tempted by the devil.
  • He could have given up on His mission and could have had everything a human being could desire: wealth, power and self-gratification.
  • All He had to do was worship the devil.
  • Jesus stood fast to His mission to the point of his death.
  • We are to remain true to the mission Jesus has given us, even to the point of death.
  • The season of Lent asks us “….are you ready”?

Jesus – Salvation

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Lent
  • Jesus Christ died for our Salvation.
  • Men killed Him because of what he said and did. He died because He was faithful to the end in what He knew to be the Father’s will.
  • Because He was faithful, even to death, He proved that at least one man could be faithful to the Father’s will, to the end.
  • We are forgiven by that very act.
  • He fought a human and cosmic battle and He won. He could have quit but He didn’t.
  • All He asks is that we allow Him into our lives. All He asks is that we get to know Him and to follow Him.
  • We meet Him in the Mass. Our knee does bend. We are raised up. We are strengthened. We proclaim that Jesus is Lord. We breathe life. We go forward in confidence to live life as God meant us to live.

Jesus – Future

Fifth Sunday of Lent

– Jesus offers us a future.
– Jesus lifted Lazarus from death and He will bring each of us to a like resurrection.
– Jesus said He will stay with us now and take us with Him in the future. He has prepared a place for us. No one else has done that.
– God will do this in His time and His way but in the meantime, hang-on and trust.
– Why don’t we dream a little?  Why don’t we accept that this is true?
– How would our lives and attitudes change if we really held this to be true?
– This entire idea would only be a fantasy if Jesus had not been with us and proved that He will do it.

Jesus – Lent – Future

Fifth Sunday of Lent
– Jesus offers us a future.
– Jesus lifted Lazarus from death and He will bring each of us to a like resurrection.
– Jesus said He will stay with us now and take us with Him in the future. He has prepared a place for us. No one else has done that.
– God will do this in His time and His way but in the meantime, hang-on and trust.
– Why don’t we dream a little?  Why don’t we accept that this is true?
– How would our lives and attitudes change if we really held this to be true?
– This entire idea would only be a fantasy if Jesus had not been with us and proved that He will do it.

Jesus – Lent – Healing

Fourth Sunday of Lent
– Jesus came to save all creation in the future and He comes to heal us now.
– He healed the eyes of the blind man and also healed His heart and undoubtedly His position in His world.  He healed doubt and self‐image.
– The love of God is the only medicine to heal the effects of evil, despair, failure, isolation and a lost life.  God loved us so much that he sent His Son.
– Jesus is the healing power of God in our lives. A healing power to cure the sicknesses of life and even the effects of physical illness and indeed physical illness itself.
– What is it that we must be healed of?  What is it that blinds us to the life we need to see?  What is it that will heal us from things we are doing or have done?
– Is it true that we can offer our lives, our needs and our shortcomings as a sacrifice to our God at Mass?  Is it true that Jesus will offer our lives with His?  Is it true that He will heal us?

Jesus – Lent – Life

Third Sunday of Lent
– Jesus is the light and life of the world.
– He is not only a teacher but also the basic source of our spiritual life. We follow Him and nothing else.
– Just as we need water for our bodies, we need the water of eternal salvation for eternal life. Jesus provides us with this water of salvation.
– We can always reflect on His Heavenly glory and are reminded that He came down to us, for us.
– Jesus’ mission was to bring life to a dead world. He came to raise up all of creation and to raise us up as well.
– What must we do with the life He gives us?

Jesus – Lent – Divinity

Second Sunday of Lent
– Jesus came to us as the Son of God.
– He is not just another philosopher, coach, or prophet. Jesus is God with us.
-He is the Beloved Son and we can trust what He says and what He does. We are to listen to Him. We are to watch what He did and how He did it.
– Jesus tells us that when we see Him, we see the Father (John 14:9). Jesus shows us the love and compassion that the Father has for us.
– How do we experience Him in the here and now? Is it possible that that Divine spark is really meant for us?
– Is it possible that when He comes to us in the Eucharist, He is really within us?
– What does this mean to us and what does that say that we must do?

Jesus – Lent – Humanity

First Sunday of Lent
– Jesus came to us as a human being.
– He lived a life of work, relationships and mission.  He struggled with the common realities of life and experienced all except sin.
– God promises to guide us, to shepherd us, but we must listen to the words of the Holy Prophet he sent, which is Jesus, his only begotten Son In the Gospel, the demons recognize Jesus, they call him the Holy One of God.
– He overcame temptations and obstacles to his mission.  He lived his life for us and for others and encourages us to do the same.
– Jesus came as a human being so he could be an example of how to live and love.  He reaches out to us to share a relationship with Him so we may live a similar life.
– Lent is a time to reflect on how we are doing with our mission in life, our relationship with Him and with others.  It is also a time to consider how we might need to change. “The kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe in the Gospel.”