Isaiah Bible Study (2015-2016)

A twenty-seven week bible study on the book of the Prophet Isaiah, using Catholic Scripture Study International study materials.

Presented on Tuesday mornings September 2015-May 2016.  Instead of using lectures included in the CSS study materials, they were presented by Barbara Conticelli and Todd Coury.

Each class consisted of discussion in small groups followed by a presentation on the current chapter(s).


September 22, 2015
Presented by Todd Coury


Chapters 1-2

September 29, 2015
Presented by Barbara Conticelli


Chapters 3-5

October 6, 2015
Presented by Todd Coury

Lectionary and Missal

Chapters 6-7

Presented by Barbara Conticelli

Lectionary and Missal

Chapters 8-9

October 20, 2015
Presented by Todd Coury

Lectionary and Missal
Isaiah under Pekah of Israel and Ahaz of Judah
Handout – Korah’s Rebellion

Chapters 10-12

October 27, 2015
Presented by Barbara Conticielli

Lectionary and Missal

Chapters 13-16

November 3, 2015
Presented by Barbara Conticelli

This class was not recorded.

Chapters 17-20

November 10, 2015
Presented by Todd Coury

Rock at Caesarea Philippi

Chapters 21-23

November 17, 2015
Presented by Todd Coury

2015 11-17 – Isaiah Bible Study – 21-23 (Handout – Outline)

Chapters 24-25

Chapters 26-27

Chapters 28-30

Chapters 31-33

Chapters 34-35

Chapters 36-39

Chapters 40-41

Chapters 42-43

Chapters 44-46

Chapters 47-48

Chapters 49-51

Chapters 52-53

Chapters 54-55

Chapters 56-57

Chapters 58-59

Chapters 60-61

Chapters 62-64

Chapters 65-66