Pastor's Corner

2023 05-21  We Congratulate our Graduates.

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

Especially at this time of the year, we remember our loved ones and friends who are graduating from various levels of education. They have persevered through many years of study, and difficult challenging times.  Since the health environment has been gradually improving, most graduation exercises can take place in person and we can be present to support our graduates.

Dr. Mary Kay Clark, Director of Seton Home Schools, in an encouraging message in Seton Magazine to Catholic graduates, stated, “Our country needs good Catholic leaders at every level of American government.  There is no better group of young men and women to determine the future of America as a good nation, than you Catholic graduates.  Your Catholic education gives you the tools to meet the demands of public office, to help others to seek the common good, to serve America and Americans well.”

Author and teacher Cally Logan in the media outlet “” called on us to spiritually support graduates as she stated, “Now is a time in which we can partner with graduates in their journeys not only into the workforce but their journeys in coming to know Christ more as well.  Encourage them that God is still on the throne and that even in the darkest times He cares.  He chose them for such a time as this, and their lives have a distinct and powerful meaning in this world.”

As we well know, our graduates may very often face peer pressure to conform to ideas and activities in our culture which are contrary to our Catholic teaching and formation.  Our graduates truly need our prayers, our support, and our good example to assist them in sustaining a spiritual foundation.

The following “A Graduate’s Prayer”, by Helen Steiner Rice, asks Our Heavenly Father for guidance and support:

Father, I have knowledge, so I pray you’ll show me now how to use it wisely
and find a way somehow to make the world I live in a little better place…
And make life with its problems, a bit easier to face.
Grant me faith and courage and put purpose in my days…
And show me how to serve Thee in the most effective ways so all my education, my knowledge,
and my skill may find their true fulfillment as I learn to do Thy will.
And may I ever be aware in everything I do that knowledge comes from learning…
and wisdom comes from You.

We encourage the families and friends of our graduates to take this prayer to heart.  On behalf of our priests, deacons, and staff, we congratulate all our graduates and wish them well in their future endeavors.


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