2025 03-23 Disciple Maker Index Survey…
Archdiocese of Atlanta has been asked to participate in the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) sponsored by the Catholic Leadership Institute. (CLI) The Institute has been conducting surveys in many dioceses throughout the United States. CLI stated, “being a Christian has been a challenge in every age of the Church. This happens because what the Church…
2025 03-16 … May Christ be with us! May Christ be before us! May Christ be in us!
This Monday, March 17th, we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. Major parades take place on this day in New York, Savannah, Atlanta, and other cities, celebrating the life and contributions of Saint Patrick to the Catholic faith and to Irish culture. It is a special day for Monsignor Marren and many other priests who were born…
2025 03-09 Lenten Parish Mission with Fr. Joel and Special Reconciliation Schedule
This week we will offer a two-day Lenten Parish Mission on Monday, March 10th and Tuesday, March 11th. The mission will be presented by Fr. Joel Martin, O.S.B., an experienced retreat master and mission leader from Saint Bernard Abbey in Cullman, Alabama. His theme will be: “Lent: A Path to Spiritual Growth”. We will offer…
2025 03-02 Turn to God and seek spiritual renewal in heart, mind and body through the disciplines of Lent.
Next Wednesday in the Church year is Ash Wednesday. It is a day of fasting and abstinence. Guidelines concerning fasting and abstinence are included in our Parish bulletin and on our Parish website. Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of people as a reminder of human mortality,…
2025 02-23 The 2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
As a parish community, we are blessed to be a part of the vibrant Archdiocese of Atlanta. The archdiocese shares in the mission of the universal Church. One way it does this is through the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. This weekend we initiate discussion of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for 2025 at our Masses. The theme…
2025 02-09 Celebrating the 50th-60th Wedding Anniversary Mass
Archbishop Hartmayer celebrated a special Mass at Saint Brigid on Saturday, February 8th, honoring couples in the Archdiocese of Atlanta celebrating the 50th or 60th anniversary of their marriage. These couples have committed themselves in a sacramental way to the Lord, and to one another. In our Church tradition, a man and woman are not…
2025 02-02 The Feast of our Patron Saint Brigid
On Saturday, February 1st, we celebrated the Feast Day of Saint Brigid, the patron saint of our Parish. She was an Irish Christian nun and joined Saint Patrick as one of the patron saints of Ireland. She is traditionally associated with the Cross of Saint Brigid. This cross is made from reeds or straw and is…
2025 01-26 Catholic Schools Week and Operation Mustard Seed
This week we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week, with the theme of “Catholic Schools: United in Faith and Community”. It is hosted by the National Catholic Education Association, (NCAE). The organization states, “Catholic Schools have an irreplaceable role in the Church’s evangelizing mission. Building on the central goal of Catholic schools to form saints, Catholic…
2025 01-19 Day of the Legal Protection on the Unborn
Our Holy Father Pope Francis has spoken often and eloquently about the value of human life and the dignity of the human person. As reported in the media outlet, “National Catholic Register”, he stated that “in all its phases and at any age, human life is always sacred. Every child who, rather than being born,…
2025 01-12 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and Martin Luther King, Jr.
This Sunday marks the end of our Christmas Season as we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The sacrament of Baptism serves as the gateway to the other sacraments. Jesus began his public ministry after being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Then this coming Saturday, January 18th, we…
2025 01-05 The Epiphany – Pope Francis Reminds Us that we are on a Journey of Faith
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, we focus on the wise men, the Magi who were guided by a star while on a difficult journey to encounter the Lord. They faced many risks and obstacles on their journey. These risks and obstacles included the danger inherent…
2024 12-29 Follow the Example of the Holy Family this New Year.
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family, the family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has challenged us to strive for spiritual unity and for the strengthening of families by following the example of the Holy Family, especially in these difficult and uncertain times. Then, this coming Wednesday,…
2024 12-22 “Be still and know that I am God…..”
At Christmas, Christ comes into the world and into our lives as a sign of God’s love for us. The Christmas Season should be a time of prayer, reflection, wonder, and silence as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Light of the world. In a Christmas message as reported by the media outlet, “Vatican…
2024 12-15 Guadate Sunday – Rejoice!
Our faith community celebrates Gaudate (Rejoice) Sunday on this third Sunday of Advent as we wait in joyful anticipation for the coming of the Christ Child. In our gospels for Advent, the call to prepare for Christ comes primarily from John the Baptist. John serves as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. He…
2024 12-08 The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
During this season of Advent, we continue to honor our Mother Mary in special ways. This Monday, December 9th, we honor Mary as we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception. This feast day is usually celebrated on December 8th but was moved so as not to conflict with the Second Sunday of Advent. As…
2024 12-03 Season of Advent Begins – Dr. Allen Hunt Parish Mission!
Your donation allows us to invite dynamic speakers like Dr. Hunt to Saint Brigid. Thank you for your contribution. This Sunday begins the Season of Advent. It is a special time in the Church year as we prepare for the coming of the Lord. Advent holds out the hope and desire to see the…
2024 11-24 In Gratitude for Christ the King and for our Families on this Thanksgiving Holiday
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe as we approach the end of the liturgical year of our Church. We remember in a special way what Christ means to us, what Christ did for us, and that we are called to serve the King of Kings….
2024 11-16 May Your Thanksgiving Day be a Blessed One
This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe as we approach the end of the liturgical year of our Church. We remember in a special way what Christ means to us, what Christ did for us, and that we are called to serve the King of Kings….
2024 11-10 We Come Before You with Gratitude in Our Hearts for the Selfless Service of our Veterans.
In a special way on this day, we are encouraged to honor our men and women who have served in the armed forces and sacrificed so much on behalf of our country. Many of us have loved ones who now have Veteran status. Through their unselfishness and dedication, they made it possible for us to…
2024 11-03 Deacon Appreciation Reception, November 6th
Next Saturday, November 6th, after our 5:00 pm Vigil Mass, we will host a “Deacon Appreciation” reception in Corbett Hall, honoring our Deacons in a special way. The Catholic Church is blessed to have men serve as Permanent Deacons. Those men who are called to the Permanent Deaconate can be married, and they are ordained…
2024 10-27 Solemnity of All Saints, Commemoration of the Faithful Departed and the Annual Mass of Remembrance
This coming Friday, November 1st, we celebrate All Saints Day. The Catholic Church recognizes this day as a Holy Day of Obligation. Speaking on the significance of this day, as reported by the media outlet, “Vatican News”, Our Holy Father, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that, like the saints, we are all called to holiness. …
2024 10-20 Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
At this time of the year, many Catholics are aware of the various media commercials, advertisements, brochures, and other promotions involving political candidates at various levels of government. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued the document “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” to guide Catholics during this election season. The following are excerpts…
2024 10-13 Priesthood Sunday 2024
This Sunday we celebrate Priesthood Sunday, which is traditionally celebrated in September or October. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the vital role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as we strive to raise vocation awareness in a special way. As reported by the media outlet, “Catholic News Service”,…
2024 10-06 Respect Life Sunday
Catholics, we are encouraged to promote the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis has called us to promote the Gospel of Life, and protect and cherish the lives of the elderly, the physically and mentally challenged, and the unborn. We should never forget that God is…
2024 09-29 Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Our national election season is upon us, and Catholics are urged to embrace the opportunity to vote. As previously noted, Pope Francis has addressed the issue of voting. He stated, “We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics…
2024 09-22 Annual Saint Brigid Parish Picnic Welcomes ALL
Pope Francis has encouraged us to truly appreciate the communal dimension of our Catholic faith. He has urged parishes to foster this sense of community, and to create a welcoming environment for those who come to Church, and to offer opportunities to create and strengthen relationships. Therefore, we should strive to welcome those who enter…
2024 09-15 Our Catechist’s, they are truly a blessing to our faith community.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has designated the third Sunday in September as Catechetical Sunday. This year the theme for this day is, “We are stewards of God’s Creation.” Our bishops remind us that Catechetical Sunday is a “wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each baptized person plays in handing on…
2024 09-08 In Remembrance of September 11th – Patriots Day Mass
This Wednesday will mark the twenty – third anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Many will pause to focus on the events of that day. We as a nation will recall the tragic deaths and injuries that occurred at the World Trade Center, and at the Pentagon, and on the fields of…
2024 09-01 Labor Day for Thanksgiving
As a nation, this Monday we celebrate Labor Day. On this day we honor all those who labor for a living. We are encouraged to thank them for their service to their families, and for their service to all those who benefit from their efforts. In addition, we can remember and pray for all those…
2024 08-25 Children’s Liturgy of the Word – Make your Children’s Bible readings their own.
God our Father has blessed many of the faithful with the gift of children. Our Catechism teaches us that parents are the primary educators of their children in the ways of the faith, and parents teach primarily by the example they set for their children. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis has called upon the Church…