From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy
At Christmas, we welcome the Christ Child into our world, into our homes, and into our hearts. Jesus “Emmanuel” comes to us. In a Christmas message, Pope Francis said that Jesus brought light and grace to the world and that grace “made salvation possible for the whole human race.” He went on to reassure us as disciples that we should not be overwhelmed by the darkness which seems so pervasive in our world today. He stated, “Do not be afraid! … Jesus is the light who brightens our darkness.”

As we ponder these profound words of Our Holy Father, we are invited to focus on prayer, reflection, wonder, and silence, and allow the sacred mysteries of Christmas to take on a special meaning in our lives. My prayer for all of us this Christmas is that in the midst of the darkness of this world we will have the wisdom to embrace the spiritual peace that Jesus offers us. We can then answer the call to service and take to heart the words of Jesus taken from the Gospel of John, Chapter 12, verse 26: “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also my servant must be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.”
I truly appreciate your continued desire to answer the call to service in support of our Parish community. I thank you for all you do to enhance the spiritual integrity and vitality of the Parish, and for your active participation in our liturgical celebrations. I am also deeply grateful for your willingness to embrace a spirit of generosity which, in so many ways, has enriched and strengthened our many programs, ministries, and activities, and has greatly fostered vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.
At this special time of the year, may we allow the light of Christ to shine through the darkness of our lives. As a community of faith, may we truly experience the joy and love of the Lord this Christmas and answer his call in the silence of our hearts.
I wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, and holy New Year. As you answer the call to service, may you experience the wonder of the Lord’s peace and joy in many profound and mysterious ways.
I am humbled and privileged to serve as your Pastor.