2013 12-01 Our New Director of Music – Jonathan Eason
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: As many of you may know, our Director of Music for the last several years, Meredith Kane, has stepped down to spend more time with her young children during their formative years. In the spirit of this week of Thanksgiving, we thank Meredith for her many years of service. …
2013 11-24 The End of the “Year of Faith” and Thanksgiving
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: This Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King marks the end of the “Year of Faith” proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. Our Church teaches that this “Year of Faith” has been a special time for us to review our personal relationship with Jesus and recommit ourselves to the Church. …
2013 08-11 We Celebrate the Solemnity of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: This coming Thursday , August 15th, we celebrate the Solemnity of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary. One of our scripture commentators reminds us that this feast expresses the age-old Christian conviction that the body that enshrined the Word made flesh could not linger in the grave, but was…
2013 11-03 The Holy Days of All Saints and All Souls
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: On Friday, November 1st, we celebrated All Saints Day. Our Church recognizes All Saints Day as a Holy Day of Obligation which reflects its importance. We remember in a very special way on this day the many saints who have come before us, holy men and women marked with…
2013 11-17 What Do You Say?
Guest Column contributed from Teresa Rohmiller, Director of Finance and Stewardship: “What Do You Say?” Since we were very young, we were taught that if someone gave us something, even something intangible, we were to acknowledge the action. More often than not someone older than we who witnessed the action would immediately and probably without thought…
2013 11-10 Gratitude and Prayers for our Veterans
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: As we know, this month we celebrate Veterans Day and Thanksgiving Day. At this time of the year we give thanks in a special way for the many blessings and privileges we enjoy as Americans. We also give thanks for our many freedoms. As we reflect on these freedoms,…
2013 10-20 Discerning Adoption Awareness
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: In his Pastoral Letter, “Ecclesia In America” (The Church in America), Our Holy Father Pope John Paul II wrote, “Nowadays in America as elsewhere in the world, a model of society appears to be emerging in which the powerful predominate. This model of society…is…in opposition to the Gospel message. …
2013 10-13 50th and 60th Wedding Anniversary Mass
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy and Archbishop Wilton Gregory: This past weekend, on Saturday, October 5th, Archbishop Gregory celebrated a special Mass at Saint Brigid honoring those couples in the Archdiocese celebrating the 50th or 60th anniversary of their marriages. We thank the Archbishop for gracing our church with his presence. The following are…
2013 10-06 Respect Life Sunday
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: The most basic gift from God that all of us share is the gift of life. It is the foundation upon which rests all the other marvelous gifts that God has given to us. And on Respect Life Sunday (October 6) and throughout the month of October, as disciples…
2013 09-08 World Day of Prayer for Peace
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: The World Day of Prayer for Peace During this month we will mark the twelfth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. We as a nation will recall the tragic deaths and injuries that occurred at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and on the fields of…
2013 09-15 Stewardship – Way of Life
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: Stewardship has been referred to as a way of life. In its essence, it is giving of self. It is an integral part of our spiritual life and we give because we are grateful to God for what He has given us. We give freely because we want to,…
2013 09-01 We Honor Those Who Labor For a Living
From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy: This month on September 2nd, we celebrate Labor Day and honor those who labor for a living. Our bishops remind us that labor helps raise our families, develop our potential, share in God’s creation, and contribute to the common good. In our gospel today (Luke 14: 1, 7-14), Jesus tells us that one who…
2013 08-25 A Christian’s Response to the HHS Mandate
From our pastor, Fr. Neil Herlihy: As Catholics and as Americans, I believe it is fair to say that we love our country dearly but many of us are rightly concerned with the tensions and conflicts involving the moral direction of our nation. At this time our bishops remind us that our religious liberty is…
2013 08-04 Seek the Treasures of the Lord and Not The Treasures of the World
From our pastor, Fr. Neil Herlihy: One of the central themes of our scriptures today is the need to focus on the spiritual blessings of the Lord rather than the possessions of the world. In our gospel, (Luke 12:13-21), Jesus reminds us to guard against all greed for though a person might be rich,…
2013 07-28 The Prayer That Makes it Possible to Reach out to the Father
From our pastor, Fr. Neil Hurlihy: In today’s gospel, (Luke 11:1-13), Jesus gives us the prayer that makes it possible to reach out to the Father. One of our scripture commentators reminds us that in giving us the “Our Father”, Jesus is not only giving us a prayer, but also a lesson in prayer. And the…
2013 07-14 In the Midst of Our Summer Recess
From our new pastor, Fr. Neil Herlihy: As we know, the school year has ended and we are in the midst of our summer recess. Parents, teachers, and students all deserve a pause to refresh themselves through vacations and other forms of relaxation. Although students take a break from school, we are reminded that they…
2013 07-07 Our New Pastor
Our New Pastor ….. Fr. Neil Herlihy was raised in New York City and is one of six children. He worked in the business world in New York and Atlanta for more than twenty years, primarily in finance and accounting, before heeding the call to the priesthood. He attended St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania…
2013 06-30 My Vocation Story from Seminarian Mr. Bryan Kuhr
Guest column from our Seminarian Mr. Byran Kuhr: Some people have asked me about my vocation story, so I wanted to share it with the parish. The seed of my vocation started with my parents’ generosity, they showed me how to be generous with my life. Often you’re asked, “Was there a priest that…
2013 05-19 Come, Holy Spirit!
Guest column from Fr. Joshua Allen (Interim Administrator): Come, Holy Spirit! Today, we end a glorious Easter Season. After today’s Masses, we put away the Paschal Candle, and after a few more special Masses, it’s back to the reen…the ordinary season of grace in the Church. But first, Pentecost, the coming if the Holy Spirit….
2013 08-18 A Farewell From Deacon Brian H. Baker, S.T.B
Guest column article by newly ordained Deacon Brian H. Baker, S.T.B. A Farewell from Deacon Brian H. Baker, S.T.B. When I arrived at Saint Brigid on October 1st of last year, I knew I was on a blessed journey because the Lord had led me here. But exactly how very blessed and in what particular…
2013 04-28 Update on Brumbelow, Corpus Christ Procession, Embrace Ministry and HS Vocations Dicernment Group
Guest column from Father Joshua Allen: We have a number of exciting things happening at St. Brigid this spring…new life in the world, and new life in the Parish. I wanted to take this column to update you on some of our recent developments. Brumbelow Road Entrance: As you have undoubtedly seen, we are working…
2013 05-05 The Time of Our Lives! The 2013 Eucharistic Congress
Guest column from Michael Iamele: (Parishioner , The Saint Brigid Employment Network Ministry Coordinator, and volunteer for the Saint Brigid Parish Eucharistic Congress 2013 team) The Time of Our Lives! I’ll bet you didn’t know that on May 31st and June 1st I have plans. Yes… yes I do. I know what you’re thinking, and you’re…
2013 05-12 Let’s Talk About Priests and Deacons!
Guest column from Fr. Joshua Allen: Let’s talk about priests and deacons. First and foremost, I am happy to announce that Archbishop Gregory has assigned to us a new pastor! His name is Fr. Neil Herlihy, and he is currently pastor at St. Peter the Rock Catholic Church in The Rock, GA. Let’s all begin…
2013 04-21 I Love the Spring! … and it’s challenges
Guest column from Father Joshua Allen: I love the Spring! I love the warmer weather, and the still cool nights. I love that Cherry trees are in bloom and Dogwoods are popping up here and there. Azaleas and Rhododendrons are the most beautiful bushes ever…and I even saw a giant Camellia beginning to bloom the…
2013 04-14 From Our New “Interim Administrator” Father Joshua Allen
From our new “Interim Administrator” Father Joshua Allen: For a few weeks, friends, you’ll not be getting a “Pastor’s Column,” but rather a letter from me…the Interim Administrator of St. Brigid Parish. You might be asking yourself, “What’s an Administrator, and why do we have one?” Good question. When I found out I was going…
2013 03-24 Pope Francis First Homily
HOMILY OF POPE FRANCIS INAUGURATION OF THE PETRINE MINISTRY ST PETER’S SQUARE , 19 MARCH 2013 Dear Brothers and Sisters, I thank the Lord that I can celebrate this Holy Mass for the inauguration of my Petrine ministry on the solemnity of Saint Joseph, the spouse of the Virgin Mary and the patron of the…
2013 03-17 Forming a Culture of Priestly Vocations
Guest article by Seminarian Brian H. Baker, S.T.B. for Monsignor David’s column : Forming a Culture of Priestly Vocations When praying together as the Universal Church for the guidance of the Holy Spirit among our Cardinals in Conclave, we are fulfilling a fundamental duty as co-workers in the vineyard: to pray for the needs of…
2013 03-10 Purification of Spirit thru Fasting and Almsgiving
SECOND READING From a sermon by Saint Leo the Great, pope (d.461), (Sermo 6 de Quadragesima, 1-2: PL 54, 285-287) Purification of Spirit Through Fasting and Almsgiving Dear friends, at every moment the earth is full of the mercy of God, and nature itself is a lesson for all the faithful in the worship…
2013 03-03 Make Your Lent More Meaningful
Guest Column from our Director of Stewardship and Finance, Teresa Rohmiller: Make Your Lent More Meaningful The season of Lent offers us forty days to review our lives and focus on conversion and spiritual transformation. It is basically a spiritual “spring training;” a time when we go back to the basics of our faith formation through…
2013 02-10 What Does It Mean to Be the Body of Christ?
A Guest Column from Teresa Rohmiller, Director of Stewardship… What does it mean to be the body of Christ? “Now you are Christ’s body and individually parts of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27. Like each part of the body, we each have unique gifts to offer the church, our families and our communities…gifts of…