2013 02-24 The Christians in The World – A Letter to Diognetus
From a letter to Diognetus (Nn. 5-6; Funk, 397-401) …. ( This beautiful apologetic letter for Christianity is cited by no ancient writer, and came down to us in a single manuscript which perished in the siege of Strasburg (1870). The author’s name is unknown, and the date is anywhere between the Apostles…
2013 02-17 Good News to Report
Good news to report On the 28th of January, at the City Hall of Johns Creek, Saint Brigid was awarded the Special Use Permit that we needed in order to purchase the “Hamil property”, the property on Old Alabama Road that is situated between the bank and the parish. Between 150 and 200 parishioners, all…
2013 02-03 The Restored Order of Deacons: A blessing from Vatican II, A blessing for us.
The restored Order of Deacons: A blessing from Vatican II, A blessing for us. In this special Year of Faith, the whole Church recalls the gifts given in and through the work of the College of Bishops (successors of the Apostles), the theologians that advised them and the indwelling Spirit of the Lord… at the second Ecumenical…
2013 01-27 For the Feast Day of Saint Brigid
From Guest Columnist— Music Director, Meredith Kane….. For the Feast Day of Saint Brigid, which is celebrated on February 1st. , our parish will be hosting a grand celebration to provoke a continuing devotion to our patroness. The event commences at 6:30 p.m. with a short concert featuring our Children’s Choir, the Adult Traditional Choir (9:00…
2013 01-20 The Restored Order of Deacons: a blessing from Vatican II, a blessing for us
The restored Order of Deacons: a blessing from Vatican II, a blessing for us In this special Year of Faith, the whole Church recalls the gifts given in and through the work of the College of Bishops (successors of the Apostles), the theologians that advised them and the indwelling Spirit of the Lord… at the…
2013 01-06 Epiphany, The Manifestation of the Lord
Epiphany The manifestation of the Lord This feast originated in the Eastern, Greek-speaking portion of the Church during the 3rd century. This 3rd century feast was known as the Feast of the manifestation of the Lord(or epifania, in Greek), and it honored the Baptism of Christ, when the Spirit descended upon him, and the Father…
2012 12-30 A New Year, New Beginnings for the Christian Steward
* guest column taken with permission from the International Stewardship Conference A New Year, New Beginnings for the Christian Steward The practice of making New Year’s resolutions goes back over 3000 years. The start of a New Year gives us the feeling of a fresh start, a new beginning, and new opportunities. It is a time…
2012 10-21 Stewardship: from July 1st to June 30th, 2012
Stewardship: from July 1st to June 30th 2012 The priests of the parish offered the Anointing of the Sick to at least 103 parishioners. The deacons and priests of the parish baptized 139 children and adults. There were 174 Confirmations. There were 16 funeral Masses held at our parish. There were 226 children at Saint Brigid…
2012 11-04 The Lord, the Heart of the Church
The Lord, the Heart of the Church The political campaigning and maneuvering is almost done. It’s been a long “campaign season”. After the speeches and the ponderings, after our reflections and the homilies given, after the debates and the frustrations and the prayer…voting age citizens will go to the polls this Tuesday…and we will elect…
2012 11-18 A Day Before The Elections – Our Seminarians
Day Before the Elections ** Our Seminarians ** Thanksgiving I am writing this column for the weekend of the 17th and 18th of November on the 5th …a day before the election. So, though I do not know the results of the election while typing out these words, I am assuming that all of us…
2011 11-18
A Day Before the Election – Our New Seminarians I am writing this column for the weekend of the 17th and 18th of November on the 5th …a day before the election. So, though I do not know the results of the election while typing out these words, I am assuming that all of us…
2012 11-25 Proud to welcome Fr. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B.
Saint Brigid is proud to welcome Fr. Cassian Folsom, O.S.B. Join us for dinner, drinks and Fr. Cassian’s presentation on Lectio Divina: The practice of scripture reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation intended to promote communion with God through the Living Word. ***** “My heart is restless until it rests in Thee” St. Augustine In Norcia,…
2012 12-02 Update on Improvements
Update on improvements This column is an update on how the staff and I continue to address the comments that parishioners offered in our February – March 2012 Parish Survey. I read the results of the Survey and every individual comment offered, and hope to address each of these issues…with the desire that Saint Brigid…
2012 12-09 Love Came Down on Christmas
Love Came Down on Christmas On Tuesday of this week, the 11th of December, you will be offered a great gift…a blessing for this Advent season of anticipation and preparation and waiting. On the 11th of December….this Tuesday…in the Nave of Saint Brigid…Dr. Allen Hunt will begin our three day Mission…entitled Love Came Down at…
2012 12-16 Caring For One Of Our Own
Caring for one of our own On the 8th of June in 2013, one of our own will be ordained into the ministerial priesthood of Christ. On that summer day, Dennis Dorner Jr. will be ordained for service in the Archdiocese. He will become Father Dennis for us. The following day, his traditional “first…
2012 12-23 A Season of Light
A season of light The holy days of Christmas begin with tomorrow’s first Vigil…and we will celebrate the Nativity of the Lord with such joy! This season of light, these holy days of remembering the Gift given to us at Bethlehem…these days continue until the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord, on the 13th…
2012 09-09 The Bread of Life, the Chalice of Salvation
The Bread of Life, the Chalice of Salvation In his pastoral letter to the Church at Corinth (in present day Greece), St. Paul reminded the community of faith of the truth that he had taught them, the truth about the Bread of Life, about the Chalice of Salvation. Written in about 54 A.D., St. Paul wrote: …
2012 09-30 Ongoing Response to Your Suggestions
Ongoing response to your suggestions The professional parish-wide Survey that was completed in March of this year continues to guide the staff, in acting to the suggestions offered in the Survey results, about ways to improve our life together as a parish family. As I mentioned some months ago, I hope to respond to every…
2012 09-23 Who Do You Say That I Am?
September 23rd, 2012 Who do you say that I am? After months and months of traveling with Him and after witnessing healings and extraordinary signs of God’s providence through Him, the disciples had this question posed to them…by Jesus: OK…I get what others have said, that I’m one of the prophets come back to…
2012 09-16 Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord
Guest Columnist from our Music Director: Meredith Kane Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord. How many of us like to sing in the shower,…
2012 09-02 Update on Proposed Building Project
September 2nd, 2012 Update on our proposed building project As most of you will remember, I sent a letter to every registered parishioner in January of this year, summarizing what I discovered when I was appointed pastor of Saint Brigid (February 24, 2011). I found that the second pastor of Saint Brigid, the beloved Msgr….
2012 08-21 Joel Gray
August 21, 2012 Joel Gray I have known Joel and Lisa Gray for twenty three years. We first met when the three of us called St. Jude in Sandy Springs our parish home. When I arrived at Saint Brigid to begin my new…
2012 08-19 Moral Reflections of Job by Saint Gregory
August 19th, 2012 From the Moral Reflections of Job By Saint Gregory the Great , Pope (590– 604 AD) …… The Church moves forward like the advancing dawn Since the daybreak or the dawn is changed gradually from darkness into light, the Church, which comprises the elect, is fittingly styled daybreak or…
2012 08-12 Sponsor Couples
August 12, 2012 Couples teaching Couples Preparing for a lifetime of married love We are blessed to have lots of weddings at Saint Brigid; and I hope that all of you hoping to be married (and parents of adult children on the way to marriage) will consider having the wedding here. We do weddings very…
2012 08-05 Why Is This Happening at Saint Brigid?
August 5, 2012 Why is this Happening at Saint Brigid? Though many of the parishes in the Archdiocese deal with these troubling behaviors, it seems to many of us that our parish has been bit doubly hard with these unflattering trends. Arriving late to Mass: We all know about the traffic. Traffic is terrible, but…
2012 07-29 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
July 29, 2012 From Guest columnist:Deacon Tom Huff “I give you a new commandment: love one another” Once again, St. Brigid is offering a Christ Renews His Parish retreat weekend for our parishioners. The following comments are from five St. Brigid parishioners who attended past CRHP weekends: “After my CRHP weekend, my life has not been the same…
2012 07-22 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
July 22, 2012 From Guest columnist: Deacon Tom Huff “Come Away By Yourselves to a Deserted Place and Rest For Awhile” In Mark’s Gospel this Sunday, Jesus instructs his apostles to go away to a deserted place and rest for a while. In His love for His brothers, He wants them to take some time to…
2012 07-15 Couples Teaching Couples
July 15, 2012 Couples teaching Couples Preparing for a lifetime of married love We are blessed to have lots of weddings at Saint Brigid; and I hope that all of you hoping to be married (and parents of adult children on the way to marriage) will consider having the wedding here. We do weddings very…
2012 07-08 Father Joshua Allen
July 8, 2012 Eight years ago, I remember praying the Rosary in St. Theresa’s in Douglasville, GA. I remember it clearly because it was the first time I had prayed the entire thing…all twenty decades. I was in the middle of a crucial moment in discernment…that moment every man who enters the seminary experiences: I…
2012 07-01 Our Declaration of Independance
July 1, 2012 The 4th of July…2012 Our declaration of independence Last week, I re-watched the HBO series John Adams. In this multi-part series, the history of the birth of our beloved nation was presented to us through the perspective of one of the founding fathers…husband and father, farmer, author, representative, Vice President and President…John…